set alarm n wake up early today. nv go to wk, planning to go c doc again, r rashes is like getting more n more le.
decide not to play around wif my own health, went back to my family doc to c wat wrong wif me. lazy to go back to e old hs there alone, ask mum to go wif me.wat my doc say definatly it not insect bites. it kind of skin senstivie due to hot weather or dirt.
look at e medicine c liao i oso scare, so many of it. pills again. haiz~ another 2 days of mc le.
afr seeing e doc, mum went to office for her meeting, den i mit up wif cat at interchange to buy her stuffs for wk, den head dwn to central mall wif her.
new shopping central, it a nice one. i love e sea view, nv really walk much there den we head for lunch at long john. afr meal is desert time. my fav green tea ice cream..side at e river side to enjoy n view n ice cream.
saw hw e G-MAX wk le. damm cool! i guess it will scared e hell out of me. wanted to giv it a try one of e day. mus really find tos dare devil fren to play wif me, but i guess it wun b cheap bah, really mus check out e price 1st.
afr tat cat took a bus to ahze hs cos dey gg for hs viewing later, still early so i head hm 1st n wait for dear to finish wk.
dear finish wk le den cum find me. nua at my hs n play 'hotel' e boardgame tat i brought yrs ago. argh! i lose all my money n land.
den later nothing to do, n dear car coupon time is over le, so head to his hs to continus playing e 'big 2' i lose back all my drink le, now is my turn to owe him 4 drink le.
well, nvm, it jus a game. gt win gt lose wan. i will win it back again some other time
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