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Thursday, March 29, 2007

up-side down

today wake up head to interchange to take bus, suddenly e dizzy spell start again. so long nv hav such feeling le, it feel sux, vision start to turn blur, luckily e bus driver cum in time i manage to get up e bus to hav a seat.

reach shop, feeling better afr a glass of warm water. den faster touch up e shop expecting weenee dey all to reach soon.

everything was like in a mess for me. busy doing my corporate sale, do cleaning up for e coming ESP. i cant even bother to do my mth end.

afr wk, mit up wif dear. finish wk late piss him off again, make him wait so long.

everything is like going up-side dwn today. feeling very stone, cannot tink well, like gt a feeling of falling sick soon again. e feeling sux man!

Monday, March 26, 2007

gg to hav a room of my own!

today is my last day of my long break le. so fast my 4days of mc n 1 day of off is over. tml need to get back to wk le.but my rashes is not getting any better, can say is worst.

yest evening time, dear came to my hs to accom me. feel so bad, cos he kenna summon. pay 30bucks cos he put e coupon 15min late. den e whole day his mood seem to b so bad.

went out but duno head to where, den his fren called to ask us go for movie. head to marina sq to watch 'mr bean hoilday'. e show is kind of lame, alot of joke im not able to catch it, guess is jus tat im too slow bah.

den today, wake up early actually wan to cook lunch for dear to eat de, but he called n tell me tat he took his lunch le. luckily wat i cooked today is fried rice, still can keep n heat up to eat later.

den when to bedok interchange to buy light bulb wif dear. e weather is really damm bad. jus awhile can c dear sweat alot.

come hm n nua, den till nite time, dear send me dwn to katong to mit birdz, jinfeng n kelvin den he head to meet jaryl for coffee. planning to play board game at settle cafe, but dey close at 11pm, onli 1 hr to play, not worth it, so we head to siglap.

went to our usual slacking place. tml is mon leh, duno y still gt so many ppl slacking ard. manage to got a seat indoor, argh! no smoking table. but later manage to find 1 den we shift out. catch up wif each other, it hav been quite some time since we last chill out le.

dun wish to go hm too late cos dun wan dear to worry abt me. jus in time dear oso finish tis coffee session le, so he come n pick me up n send me hm. feel bad, cos he so tired le still cum n pick me up.

chatting wif mum n sis jus now.sis will b moving out soon le bah. finally she n ahze brought a flat of their own le. den i can hav e room all by myself le.

kind of happy cos i hav more place to put my stuffs, but oso scare. since young i had nv try slping alone in a room. i cant imagine w/o sis by my side n hav e room of my own. i guess i'll b damm lonely by den le. sad n scare.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

another 2 days of mc

set alarm n wake up early today. nv go to wk, planning to go c doc again, r rashes is like getting more n more le.

decide not to play around wif my own health, went back to my family doc to c wat wrong wif me. lazy to go back to e old hs there alone, ask mum to go wif me.wat my doc say definatly it not insect bites. it kind of skin senstivie due to hot weather or dirt.

look at e medicine c liao i oso scare, so many of it. pills again. haiz~ another 2 days of mc le.

afr seeing e doc, mum went to office for her meeting, den i mit up wif cat at interchange to buy her stuffs for wk, den head dwn to central mall wif her.

new shopping central, it a nice one. i love e sea view, nv really walk much there den we head for lunch at long john. afr meal is desert time. my fav green tea ice cream..side at e river side to enjoy n view n ice cream.

saw hw e G-MAX wk le. damm cool! i guess it will scared e hell out of me. wanted to giv it a try one of  e day. mus really find tos dare devil fren to play wif me, but i guess it wun b cheap bah, really mus check out e price 1st.

afr tat cat took a bus to ahze hs cos dey gg for hs viewing later, still early so i head hm 1st n wait for dear to finish wk.

dear finish wk le den cum find me. nua at my hs n play 'hotel' e boardgame tat i brought yrs ago. argh! i lose all my money n land.

den later nothing to do, n dear car coupon time is over le, so head to his hs to continus playing e 'big 2' i lose back all my drink le, now is my turn to owe him 4 drink le.

well, nvm, it jus a game. gt win gt lose wan. i will win it back again some other time

Friday, March 23, 2007

win back my drink =)

tot today is my last day of mc, but guess it not gonna b, trace call me today say she find replace for me for tis fri n sat, she ask me not to go wk n hav a gd rest at hm. guess tml need to wake up early to go c a doc again liao bah.

jus simply cannot sit still at hm, wake up today nothing to do as usual sit infront of my com. so boring, no one to chat wif me till wanlin cum n talk wif me. suprise to c her online at tat hr, den gt to knw she is on leave today.

since both of us so free, so we mit out for coffee together. head to bugis TCC to nua. tat a nice place for us, cos both of us is coffee lover. order coffee n some finger food. sit there for a few hr to catch up wif each other, it hav been quite a long time since we last mit up le.

afr coffee, went to take some foto to kip as memories. afr tat dear came n pick me up, accom him hm to get change first. hahaha, seldom gt chance to c him in formal wear, but i tink he look smart in tat.

den afr tat head to my hs. finally, i won back all e drink tat i lose to him le.lolz. now is his turn to owe me drink le. total 4 drink. hahah, today my lucky day for playin big 2.

den dear send me to sv to pass e key since im not gg to wk till nxt week. afr leaving sv, went for coffee, it pay back my drink time. lolz!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


wake up early, drag myself off my bed. really feel sux, did not hav a gd slp last nite, feelin so itchy all over my body...argghh!!!!!

e rashes is like getting more n more le, den i look at my hand, omg! swallon like pig hand... guess it really a infection.reach shop, wait for mariah to cum den i head straight to e clinic.

my hand had a bad infection, doc was sayin tat e patches is more like bites by insects den rashes. i dun care wat is tat i jus wan medicine to stop e itch n heal e swallon. jus e 2 tube of cream n few pills cost me 52bucks..argh! broke le!!!

head straight hm afr tracy cum n take over me. i feel quite bad, im on mc for 2 days den she mus wk such a long hr. brought lunch for mum, reach hm hav a gd cold shower n take a rest.

evening, accom mum to tamp for a walk den treat mum to eat genki sushi since i hav e voucher..ate alot, finally eat my peach ice cream le.