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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mikell's First Birthday

Went to Amazonia at Great World City with Elaine on Sunday afternoon to attend Mikell's first birthday celebration. As it kinda a parents & kiddo affair, me & Elaine felt rather out of place.

Only manage to have a photo took with Mikell & Ellyson, they were so busy running around, basically me & Elaine spend the whole afternoon there catching up with each other & playing with little Cassie. Little Cassie is just so cute, took a handful of photos with her.

After the cake cutting session me & Elaine made our move, cannot stand the place. I love kids, but too many of them together I felt as if all those little angel suddenly transform themselves to little devils!

With Cassie & Mikell, our birthday boy
With Ellyson & her friend
The Kiddo

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