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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Advance Birthday Celebration for Tingyan

Been awhile since we can finally get to meet up on Tuesday night! We planned for this meet up for quite some time, but due to many unforeseen issues, we had postpone this date for a couple of time.

Junjia came over to pick me & Sharon up at Bedok after our work, before we head over to Wawawa, I went home first to pick Dino up to join us for dinner.

I remembered Tingyan birthday is on the coming Friday, so I prepared some surprises for her. This is the first time she celebrating her birthday in Singapore, must make it a unforgettable one for her.

Anyway I love seeing the people I treasure around me caught by the surprises I prepared for them, celebration & gifts might be just something simple, but I believe is the experience that matter.

Thank you Sharon for the dinner treat, the food at Wawawa is really good, glad everyone is happy with my recommendation.

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