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Monday, November 7, 2011

6days of Break

My 6days of break coming to an end real soon. Happy time always pass faster than usual, but I can say my this days are so well spend.

Start off from last Thursday, that an important life changing day of mine I can say, after 20years, finally I can say bye bye to specky me.

I woke up damn early in the morning, got myself prepared, 1st time ever step out of the house with a "naked" face after so long, to the town somemore, not a single bit of make-up. Of cos I won't take train to town with my ghostly face, I took a cab there instead.

After a serials of tests & evaluation after 3hours, the doctor officially declared that my eyes condition is suitable for the LASIK surgery, the surgery will be held on the very same day, 2pm!

Met up with Cat for lunch before the surgery at Big O where uncle Ching is working before the big event. Order so much food, thank you uncle Ching for the big discount & gigantic potion served.

Head to surgery after my lunch, the process of LASIK was a scary one, really a little scary to recall. The waiting time was long, but the surgery was a short one, just a 10min process & I can head home immediately.

Thank you Cat for sending me home, I was tearing like mad after the surgery, a little sensitive to bright light too. Once I reached home, due to the discomfort, I head straight to bed, had a real good sleep that day, I slept from evening till the next morning.

The healing was fast, I manage to head to the clinic myself for review & meet dear for lunch after that. At night I still able to meet up with the rest & chill out at Keppel island. Other than the bloodshot eyes, I guess the recovery was real fast.

On Saturday, I step in the afternoon to have lunch with dear & Ben, after the lunch we went to so many workshop to get their car fixed. Later in the night, we went to chilled out at Breeze Bar at East Coast Park after our movie.

Sunday was our 5th anniversary, initially we planned to go for a simple dating session but thing doesn't turn out well, as mention on my earlier post, the car broke down, so we need to postpone our dating session.

But so nice of dear, later in the night after dear got his car fixed, he bought me out for some ice cream, we went to night safari for Ben & Jerry!

On Monday, wake up early to join dear's family on their family outing. We had a great seafood buffet feast at Pariss Seafood International Buffet Restaurant at Marina Square. So many of us, 20 over paxs to welcome Dr. Su back to Singapore.

Later in the night, dear bought me for a stroll at My Waterway @ Punggol! Dating can just be this simple :)

Today I head back to SGH for my medical review, FINALLY, I'm officially discharge from SGH!! Say bye bye to my Meniere Disease, so happy! But dear wasn't very happy about my discharge, cause he feel that I didn't really recovered yet, how can the doc say I recovered when the dizzy spell still come back on & off!

Tomorrow going back to office, seriously I can't imagine how much work is piling on my desk now, but look at the bright side, this is always the cause of long break!

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