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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

Nowadays everyone was talking & discussing about the Swine Flu issue. I had read up on the overview of the Swine Flu and I shall summary it up a little and share with everyone.


The swine flu continues to spread, and the world is on high alert. The disease has been confirmed in Mexico, United States, Canada, Spain, Israel, New Zealand, Scotland, and health officials across the world are working to keep it from spreading further.


Because the virus is a new development, the human population has no immunity built up against it yet. It can therefore be very dangerous.


Swine influenza is a common respiratory disease that affects pigs. Humans can catch the swine flu, but usually only through contact with infected pigs. However a mixture of human and swine flu viruses, and is spreading from human to human.


The symptoms of the new virus are the same as general human flu symptoms – runny nose, fever, cough, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea. The virus can be passed along by water droplets in the air after infected people cough or sneeze, and can be contracted by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching eyes, noses or mouths.


The disease is not spread by eating pork products. People can be contagious for one to four days before showing any symptoms, and may remain contagious for up to a week afterwards. Children may remain contagious even longer.


Nobody wants to catch any form of influenza.  There are preventative measures people can take to avoid catching this or other bugs;

-Wash hands frequently;
- Avoid touching one's eyes, nose or mouth;
- Get plenty of restful sleep;
- Drink a lot of water and eat nutritious food;
- Avoid infected people;
- If necessary, wear a face mask;
- Get outside in the fresh air and sunshine. (Illnesses spread faster when people are       in closed, confined spaces.)

Today on my way to work guess what I saw? I saw a woman with her mask on. It always good to be caution, but till the report we got today Singapore is not an infected country, yet.

Maybe like what people always say, Singaporean are all KIASU & KIASI .

But serious I’m quite worry for my cousin which is so far in U.S.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Birthday Bash for Yiming

Yesterday after work went Bugis to meet up with the gang again. Manage to reach there quite fast. All reach except Jo; she was recalled back to work last minute. Had our dinner opposite Bugis Junction, a chicken rice store that Uncle Ching highly recommended.


Finally mange to brainstorm what dress code for the coming outing. “GREEN”, to convenience all other as I’m the only one don’t have any green top in my shelf. Got to get one real soon.


Kind of sad that Xiao Kel need to make a move first. The rest of us head to One Fullerton for coffee.


We are so engross in our topic while walking over, and suddenly Kel appeared in front of us. As usual, he always likes to come up with funny tricks.


My turn to trick them. Jo was telling me that she was kind of tired after landed at the very start, so I told the rest the same story. But never inform that she change her mind after that.


Of course the rest was very surprise to see her and Jo surprise us with her new hair cut.


Finally all the 6 of us manage to get together after such a long time; I can’t recall when our very last meet up with all full attendance.


Classic jokes were always our best memories. We never fail to laugh at how stupid we were last time and how crazy we can be.


Of course not forgetting to surprise Yiming on his actual birthday date yesterday even though we had celebrated with him last Saturday.  


While we sing the birthday song for him, the whole crowd in the Starbuck join in the singing. Guess Yiming will never know how red his face was.


Yiming! Remember the monkeys we saw at Devil Bands? Your face is just as red as the monkeys’ backside.


Prank should never be a miss on birthday. I swear Yiming’s neck was damn strong la. Can you imagine that me, Jo, Uncle Ching & MangKaLi try to push his face on the cake for a couple of time and we not able to do it.


Good times always flies, it getting rather late and I need to rush home to clear my baby shit before my mum reach home & yell at me.


I’m so looking forwarding for 29th May 2009, our Haagen Dazs Budz Outing.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

25th April 2009 - NQMM Outing.

Looking forward to knock off on Friday of cos, finally a break from CRC.. I'm really feeling sad & emo that i was attach at Changi. I miss my Harbourfront folks. I know that I'm going to shift there for good, but i really don't wish to transfer there.

After work on Friday, engineer Khoo drop me off at Dear house. Dear's mum bought my dinner. After dinner, nua at home till 9plus and we head to Marine Square to meet up the rest. Watch "Friday 13th". An old film, but still not bad.

After movie we went to chill out at "Mr Bean Cafe". Expensive drink.

Saturday, woke up super early as we have a NQMM outing. Andy was suppose to pick me up at Tampines interchange at 1015am, but his car broke down. So Jo came over and meet me first.

When to Cartel to have my breakfast & some coffee to light up my day. Of cos we have lot to catch up, but the weather is really bad, so warm, so we decide to head to have some indoor shopping.

I haven't step to Tampines for quite a long time, I didn't even know that there is a new shopping mall, "Tampines 1".

We decide to start from the top, and we are stuck in a pet shop for very long. We both bought some items to pamper my Dino and her Coco. Wanna continue shopping but we saw a good deal for Manicure, so we decide to spent our time there.

Time was just nice, by the time we finally, Andy's car was fixed and on his way to pick us up. After we got into the car, time to head over to YM house. Never knows that guy need to take so long to prepare.

Next stop is Ah cek house, shock to see that he turn so "BLACK" liao. Of cos when the full strength is here (not including Xiao Kel as he can only come at night) our crapping session start.

I will not let anyone off without "sua-ing" them of cos, I won't let them have peace.

First stop, we head to Goat farm, having a hard time to find the place. I had been there before, but alittle disappointing that we can only watch the goat from far.

Second stop was "Dragon Klin". While trying to look for the place, we went in to the graveyard instead. Finally we decide to use the GPS to find our way out. Took lot of photo there.

Next stop will be HSBC tree-top. With the help of GPS we made our way down to MacRitchie Reservoir. But we did not see any trail to the tree-top, so we we ask a man how do we get there. We were told that we need 1hour 45min by foot, and we need to make it fast as the place will close at 5.30pm.

Reach there before 5.30pm but the road was closed for private event and we can only make our way in by foot. Decide to change our plan as the distant was real far. So we head to "Devil Bends" instead.

The place is good for speeding but is no recommended during the day time as there is lot of monkeys there. Seriously they are so cute I wish I could bring them home. 

Time getting late, thank you Andy for sending me to dear's house. On the way to dear house, we witness a serious accident. I know we are evil cos we keep taking photo of the crush cars. They are really in real bad shape, the traffic light even collape down.

Went to attend a BDS chalet with dear. A chalet which was told that anyone can attend provided you are from BDS. Alot of unfamilar faces there which I don't even see them in BDS before.

I don't like the atmosphere there, I don't know how to describle in words but just feeling uncomfortable. So me & dear make our move real soon.

Feeling kind of tired and unconfortable now, down with flu. Guess I was under the sun for too long yesterday, but it is worth as I get to meet up with my usual group, but a little sad that I'm not able to join for the whole day event and didn't get to see Xiao Kel.

*Hey guys... Faster load the photo leh..*

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Genting Trip

Back from Genting on Monday.

16th April 2009 - Thursday

After I knock off from work from Changi, so sweet of dear came & pick me up. Went to his house as his mum bought our dinner and help him to pack his luggage.

17th April 2009 - Friday

Last Friday I took a day of leave just to stay home & accompany Dino. I felt so bad that I’m going to leave him alone at home the next few days.

Around 7plus to 8pm, I head off to dear’s house to wait for him. Poor dear, going for holiday soon still need to work till so late. We took a bus to Lavendar MRT station, time was still early, so we head for a coffee.

Check in at 10pm, bus set off at 10.30pm and we are off to Genting. I slept through most of the journey, poor dear not able to sleep in the bus so he watch movie for the 6hours.

The bus driver was really horrible, he drove so fast and he did not reduce the speed at the sharp bend. Scary.

18th April 2009 – Saturday

We already at Genting around 5plus in the morning, close to 6am. We check in to our room, but the first room light is not working so we went down & request to change to other room.

It was already 6am when we settle down. Decide not to sleep as we going to have our buffet breakfast in half an hour time. The foods seem to be nice maybe we are ready hungry as we skip our dinner the day before.

Went back to sleep, by the time we wake up is already 2pm, time for food again. We head to Kenny Roger for lunch, the service & food was bad. After lunch we went to explore the place.

Still feeling tired, so we went back to the room again at around evening time and dozed off again. Woke up at around 8plus 9pm. Had our late dinner & walk till dear friend Taz finally reached.

They speak in canto which I understand but don’t know how to speak, so I’m not able to join in the conversation. Went to casino after coffee, I’m so happy, the guard check my age before going in, it a compliment for me. No win, no lost. Send his friend off around 4am & went back to the room and sleep again.

19th April 2009 – Sunday

I wake up so early today as dear promise to bring me to the theme park today. Had lunch at Marybrown and time to play.

The place was so packed and the weather was so warm, can you imagine that we actually sweat at Genting. I’m so sad that the Roller Coaster was under maintenance. Never really play much of the game as the queue was very long.  

Poor dear, after he take those rides with me he had a bad headache. So once again we went back to hotel and take a nap. Throughout our stay there is really like eat, sleep & play.

After we wake up, took our dinner & we head to casino again. But this time we play jackpot instead. We went to “Cloud 9”, a pub for a drink. We order a bottle of red wine and play dices there. Can you imagine we actually finish the whole bottle of red wine, but I throw out in the toilet before I left the pub.

20th April 2009 – Monday

We head to the café to have our buffet breakfast. We were so disappointed that by the time we reach the café there is no more food left. We when to Mac to have Big Breakfast and head back to hotel & packed our stuff.

Check out from hotel at 12noon, we went to play snooker, play some games to kill our time.

Time really flies; our holiday had come to an end. Haiz! Back to this busy city again

Friday, April 17, 2009

Going to Genting SOOOooon....

Hey Hey!!!

I'm going to Genting in a few hours time..


So looking forward.

I will back on Monday night.

I gonna miss my baby!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Friday

I’m always so looking forward for holiday. Of course I can’t wait for Good Friday last week.


Last Thursday had our ESD kickoff meeting for our FY09 held at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. End at around 7pm, suppose to join the rest of the team for dinner at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant and drinking session after dinner. But I give no one face after I knock off at 6pm, I cook up reason not to go.


So Felix drops me off at Tiong Bahru Plaza which is more convenience for me to take bus home. I was smoking near the bus stop, I realize a well dress strange guy keep looking & smiling at me.


I was telling myself why am I so “suay”, don’t tell me I going to kenna a crazy person at this place again. Well dressed doesn’t mean it cannot be crazy from the way he look at me. Maybe is the previous incident that happen here that why everyone seem to be crazy to me from this area.


Quickly smoke finish at walk to the bus stop. After awhile, this guy approaches me and talks to me.


“Excuse me; may I know which bus to take to Zouk?”


I replied in a not so polite tone.


“You can check of the board there.”


The guy paused and asks again.


“Hmmmm, by the way miss; can I get to know you?”


I replied with no hesitation.


“Sorry, I’m married”


Looking at his stunt face really makes me wanna laugh. Okay, I know I’m evil, but I really have no intention to entertain anyone out there & I had a forbia in Tiong Bahru. After that took bus 16 from there & head home.


On Good Friday itself, I went to Golden Mile around late morning to book our coach tickets for the next coming Friday Genting trip. Yap, initial plan was to drive there, but turn out that no one is free on that weekend, so dear & I decide to take a coach there, just the 2 of us.


After I’m done with the ticket booking, my lazy dear still in his la la land. Had my coffee at Starbuck till dear called me when he is up. Head over to his house & it my turn to dozed off.


Around 3plus, it was raining cats & dogs outside. Accompany dear’s mum to Parkway’s Giant to buy some fruits & stuff. After send dear’s mum home, dear drive me to Bishan to buy Dino’s carrier.


I did a stupid thing. I left my mobile in dear’s house, I did not realize till we reach the place as I can remember the address but not the unit number. I cannot recall anyone numbers without my mobile. Dear got so pissed with me, in the end we need to trouble his mum to look for the contact number for me in the web page.


After buying the carrier, head back to dear’s house to get my mobile and we head to Katong to had our dinner at “Ok Shabu Shabu”. I feel so bloated after my dinner. Head back home to “kill” our time before we head to Marine Square for movie.


Watch “Fast & Furious 4”, lousy show. It no longer show about cars & races now, is more like those police & thief show. Boring!!


Nothing much for Saturday & Sunday, I stay home for both the day. Dear was busy preparing his exam & I was busy playing my online games. There goes my long weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Unexpected Happiness

I was rather happy last week. Dear did lots of unexpected stuff that really make me overjoyed.


Firstly, dear bought a dress & a skirt for me. I love the dress. Can you imagine I’m wearing “L” size. Dear keep laughing at me. Yeah, I know, I’m putting on weight, it really time for me to go on diet now.

Last Friday I was supposed to meet dear at his house, his mum bought dinner for me too. The traffic was rather bad that day, dear keep calling to check if I’m reaching as he is waiting for me for dinner.


I always look down when I walk, while walking half way, I lift my head, dear was just in front. Isn’t it very sweet for him to walk out & wait for me? I was so happy.


Meet up the rest for movie at Vivo. Watch “Shinjuku Incident”. I can say that it is a lousy show. No action & super draggy. After movie it already 2am, head to East Coast for some food & head back home.


It Saturday, but I need to watch up early still. Need to go 扫墓. I swear the weather was damm bloody HOT. I sweat like hell.


In the noon time, dear came & pick me up. I was quite angry when Jimmy told me that dear spend 4k to input a turbo. But it not my money after all, I cannot make a big “hoo haa” over this issue. I can just say that I’m disappointed.


Who knows they gang up to bluff me. Dear knows that I will get angry if he spend lots on his car, so he wanna see my reaction, he say my face very funny, like want to kill him anytime soon.


After drop Jimmy off to get his car, we head to Kallang for KTV session. Another surprise I got from dear is after our KTV session, dear suggest to go Sakae Sushi for dinner. Dear don’t eat Japanese food, he hate seaweeds.


Keep barking dear, asking why suddenly he will eat sushi with me. The answer is, cause I like to eat. That very sweet of him. But I saw dear having a hard time swallowing down his food.


After dinner, went to buy a new necklace, of cause, dear bought that for me.

Sunday I bought Dino to grandma’s house. A tiring day for me. Dino keep coming around, playing with Jasper. But they were so cute chasing one another.