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Friday, October 10, 2008

Thanks Girls

wanna go bugis to do some shopping myself since i dun hav anything to do afr wk. so sweet of Eve n Mavis cancel their plan and accom to shop.

went Ajisan for their volcano raman as Mavis was really down this few day, she is craving for something SPICY....

after dinner head to bugis street... it real warm in there, kind of disappointed that i got no grap yest. shall try my luck there again other day.

craving for something ice cold afr shopping, went to TCC for a drink. full of crap n nonsense as usual, hopefully mavis feel better afr that. made a paper rose to cheer her up too

thanks girl for accompany me too not letting me b alone too. if not if i'm alone, guess i'll still be sad and thinking abt my lost ring.. Love you girls!!

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