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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dizzy Spell

Back to work today, yesterday got a MC..

While waiting for bus heading to interchange, suddenly the dizzy spell hit me.

squart down awhile as the seat in the bus stop are full, feelin terrible. try to make my way home.. vision turn blank. sit awhile at the stair before i got into e lift.

open the door e lay flat on my bed trying to catch my breath.. mum was scared by my pale face. rest awhile and make my way to the clinic.

doc advice me to go for another blood test as a healthy person shouldn't always faint like i do, n my last blood test was taken at least 5yrs ago.

guess e doc worry too much le bah, mayb im jus not having enough slp causing e black-out.


  1. sis... must take care.. sleep early.as u have to wake up early liao for work.

  2. you shld go for examination.. take care of yourself ya

  3. if i go for the check-up it will going to cost me a bomb again... u know, i really damm sick of under going medication... i dun wish to go thru that again...

  4. eat sweets when you feel dizzy and blank..

  5. lolz, kel, sweet eat liao, but it dun wk on me le
