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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my day

yest was the 1st time our shop open at such a late hr.. reach shop at 1pm, do opening as per normal, den open the shop at 2pm. buay tanhan eeteng, work 10am always cum to shop late, work at 1pm oso late. haiz!

quite a peaceful day at work, feel so paisae always tell yani i wan to go off early, tink back liao i feel so bad. afr cat reach my shop n wait for me to knock off, we took a bus n head to simpang to meet up wif elaine.

elaine was late, so e 2 of us went for coffee n chill ard that area 1st. afr elaine reach, pick up our dinner at a cafe n head off to eileen hse.

went to eileen house for so many time le, but we still having a hard time finding e way, bad traffic oso... took quite long to reach.

ah yi was already there when we reach. normal chit chatting n playing wif eileen baby ger while waiting for ting to reach. finally ting reach le, it dinner time... start our feast.

afr dinner, time for our dessert. a yummy pastry double choc cake, dont know where she brought it from, and ice cream from ice cream chef. yum yum yummy!!!!!

no chit chat session like we always had cos eileen is really busy wif her ger. im very busy playing wif ah yi D.S, while e rest was playing wif e wii. the way they play really make me laugh my head off.

feel so bad, dunno tt dear nv take his dinner. he say wanted to pick me up afr his lesson, but i wanted to go ah yi hse to take e D.S charger so i told dear dun need to pick me up. poor dear, head straight hm w/o eating. if i knw icnf accom him for dinner 1st.

today wake up early cos got a audit in e shop. once i step in i saw a stupid trophy on my cake corner, it look so ugly. it a reward for e higher cake sale among all other outlet. but e best part is getting a $300 dollar cheque, tracy decide to organize a chalet for that.

waited n waited for e auditor to come, finally they reach at ard 3pm. so sad, dear came drop by to look for me but im busy in e shop did not even get a chance to talk o him.  

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