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Monday, April 7, 2008

my day at ubin

sat, woke up early, head out early, who knw receive a sms frm junjia sayin tt e rest will b late. had a long wait at e stadium bus stop, all finally reach le, head dwn to changi village. poor jimmy had a long wait there for us.

took a ferry n head to ubin, there alot of ppl there guess bcos is weekend bah. rent our bicycle there n start our journey. afr so long since i last went there, e place really change alot, a nature reserve is even built there le. no bicycle is allow i there, so we park outside n hav a slow walk inside.

head to the No.1 house, i dunno wat place is tt for, but look at e old foto, it look so haunted in e past, scary, there even a well nearby, it remind me of "the ring". afr visiting there, i was force to climb a 7th story viewing mall, so tall i can feel e thing so shaky, my legs turn jelly, but e view there was gd.

afr the viewing mall, we head to the board walk, a long journey inside e swamp, enjoy e nature breeze inside. while heading out walking toward e information counter, i suddenly dun feel right, e dizzy spell start, omg, i gg to black out soon le, they tell me my face turn real pale. thx guys for helping me to e chair for a rest, lay down awhile n i felt better.time to continue e journey.

not long afr, andrew had a bad fall off e slope. i tot everytime went for trail im like e 1st-aid person, who knw junjia is more well-prepared den me. afr helping him to clear e wound, we continue e journey again.

having a hard time catching up wif andrew paces although he is injure, guess im not e onli one, alicia is worst. always kena shot by andrew for being slow n troublesome, i pity her e way being arrow frm e start till e end of e journey, but her smilez is still on her face. 

while trying to find e way into e quarry, suddenly a heavy downpour. no one expect it to rain in such gd weather. anyway all r tired le, so we decide to head back to e jetty. can image how bad e weather is, can c e floor giving out smoke as e rain fall on the extreme hot floor, guess all of us will fall sick soon.

head back to changi village for our lunch, my fav ipon hor fan. afr lunch all head back, while i wait for dear to cum n pick me up. dear send me home for shower 1st as im super sweaty afr a great work out. afr shower, head to kallang leisure park k-box for singing session.

afr 4hr of singing session, it already 8pm le, time for dinner. went to KFC, e counter server service real suck, n e quality of e food is damm bad, dear cannot even finish e food.

saw dear car is like super dirty, so we head back to his hs n do a car washing. clear n shine, but it really tired me out. head to dear hs to watch tv, who knw i watch half way n i doze off le, leaving dear alone, feel so bad.

now my body is aching n got a little sun burn, argh, it hurt!!!

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