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Monday, April 28, 2008

my weekend

sat, stay hm e whole day, i hate to hav my sat being burn. no choice, hav to prepare for my exam the nxt day.. so sweet of dear, accom me to study. time really fly, nv expect tt i study till lost track of time, faster get to bed so i can wake up early the nxt day to do so last min revision.

woke up early n head to sch, mit up wif esther at our usual place for a coffee n do some revision before heading to e examination room. OMG, i was so confident in tis module, but when i was in e room, i suddenly forget how to do, Haiz...my "A" gone again.

afr exam, esther gave me a ride to suntec, join my other family member there for a lunch, guess it will cost a real bomb.

afr lunch, head hm, wait for dear to pick me up n accom him back to office to do his stuffs. poor dear, sun oso need to go back to office.

im really so exhausted afr my exam, heading laying on e desk, sitting on e chair n doze off le. afr dear done wif his wk, went to e hawker near by n had ayam penyan for dinner, it really taste very nice, but im too full to finish it.

afr dinner, head back to dear hse cos he need to show his dad abt e wk stuff. arrghh!!!! i doze off again. like wat dear always say de, other ppl afr exam is go out enjoy n play, for me, is sleep sleep sleep.

jiayou! jiayou....1 more module to go....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my day

yest was the 1st time our shop open at such a late hr.. reach shop at 1pm, do opening as per normal, den open the shop at 2pm. buay tanhan eeteng, work 10am always cum to shop late, work at 1pm oso late. haiz!

quite a peaceful day at work, feel so paisae always tell yani i wan to go off early, tink back liao i feel so bad. afr cat reach my shop n wait for me to knock off, we took a bus n head to simpang to meet up wif elaine.

elaine was late, so e 2 of us went for coffee n chill ard that area 1st. afr elaine reach, pick up our dinner at a cafe n head off to eileen hse.

went to eileen house for so many time le, but we still having a hard time finding e way, bad traffic oso... took quite long to reach.

ah yi was already there when we reach. normal chit chatting n playing wif eileen baby ger while waiting for ting to reach. finally ting reach le, it dinner time... start our feast.

afr dinner, time for our dessert. a yummy pastry double choc cake, dont know where she brought it from, and ice cream from ice cream chef. yum yum yummy!!!!!

no chit chat session like we always had cos eileen is really busy wif her ger. im very busy playing wif ah yi D.S, while e rest was playing wif e wii. the way they play really make me laugh my head off.

feel so bad, dunno tt dear nv take his dinner. he say wanted to pick me up afr his lesson, but i wanted to go ah yi hse to take e D.S charger so i told dear dun need to pick me up. poor dear, head straight hm w/o eating. if i knw icnf accom him for dinner 1st.

today wake up early cos got a audit in e shop. once i step in i saw a stupid trophy on my cake corner, it look so ugly. it a reward for e higher cake sale among all other outlet. but e best part is getting a $300 dollar cheque, tracy decide to organize a chalet for that.

waited n waited for e auditor to come, finally they reach at ard 3pm. so sad, dear came drop by to look for me but im busy in e shop did not even get a chance to talk o him.  

Friday, April 18, 2008


today wake up damm early, feeling so tired, yest slept at 3am, so addicted to e D.S thingy. e game big brain acadamy really wk my brain alot.

busy thru e long journey to n.vista. me and junjia was challange playing e game, while alicia was catching her beautiful sleep. afr a long trip finally reach le.

trying my best to recall how to walk to holland village, luckily nv bring them walk the wrong way. reach there at 10am sharp. got change to uniform waiting for them to conduct the training who know Roland was late. waste so much time waiting.

the training is really a waste of time lor, jus tok nonsense here n there abit, waited for so long, it onli a 30min training, make us go so far.

afr training, me, alicia, mas n junjia make a reservation for our lunch n head down to orchard. reach at 1230pm, mit up wif simon there 1st n we start our lunch w/o e other. i love sushi, for so long i nv eat tt le.

not long afr, andrew follow by yani n eeteng reach le. nv expect tt we can eat for so long, we finish at ard 4pm. actually wanted to watch movie de, but e timing is jus not right, so we head to katong wan to go to settler cafe, but so sad, it close le.

no choice, so went to play pool, damm stress playing wif andrew, nv play pool so rush before, but no choice, e rest need to start wk at 7pm. afr they left for wk, me, andrew, simon n yani all head home le.

bu it was a enjoyable day afr all.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

yani's bday

yest was a busy day, try to wake up early to buy dinner, but im really too tired to get out from e bed. plus it raining heavily outside, so dear decide to cook maggi noodle instead.

when e rain stop le head to dear house to accom him to study. trying my best not to disturb him, so i brought newspaper n magzines to kip myself enterain. who knw dear study half way i dozes off on his bed.

when i wake up, it already evening time le. ask dear to bring me out for dinner. afr dinner ask dear to go play game wif his frenz, dun wish to c him so stress, so i head back hm to nua 1st before i head out.

ard 11pm afr the jackie show, head out from house to SV to mit up wif e rest. waiting for e shop to close n time to celebrate yani's bday. it wasnt a wonderful celebration, but hope yani had enjoy it.

Monday, April 7, 2008

my day at ubin

sat, woke up early, head out early, who knw receive a sms frm junjia sayin tt e rest will b late. had a long wait at e stadium bus stop, all finally reach le, head dwn to changi village. poor jimmy had a long wait there for us.

took a ferry n head to ubin, there alot of ppl there guess bcos is weekend bah. rent our bicycle there n start our journey. afr so long since i last went there, e place really change alot, a nature reserve is even built there le. no bicycle is allow i there, so we park outside n hav a slow walk inside.

head to the No.1 house, i dunno wat place is tt for, but look at e old foto, it look so haunted in e past, scary, there even a well nearby, it remind me of "the ring". afr visiting there, i was force to climb a 7th story viewing mall, so tall i can feel e thing so shaky, my legs turn jelly, but e view there was gd.

afr the viewing mall, we head to the board walk, a long journey inside e swamp, enjoy e nature breeze inside. while heading out walking toward e information counter, i suddenly dun feel right, e dizzy spell start, omg, i gg to black out soon le, they tell me my face turn real pale. thx guys for helping me to e chair for a rest, lay down awhile n i felt better.time to continue e journey.

not long afr, andrew had a bad fall off e slope. i tot everytime went for trail im like e 1st-aid person, who knw junjia is more well-prepared den me. afr helping him to clear e wound, we continue e journey again.

having a hard time catching up wif andrew paces although he is injure, guess im not e onli one, alicia is worst. always kena shot by andrew for being slow n troublesome, i pity her e way being arrow frm e start till e end of e journey, but her smilez is still on her face. 

while trying to find e way into e quarry, suddenly a heavy downpour. no one expect it to rain in such gd weather. anyway all r tired le, so we decide to head back to e jetty. can image how bad e weather is, can c e floor giving out smoke as e rain fall on the extreme hot floor, guess all of us will fall sick soon.

head back to changi village for our lunch, my fav ipon hor fan. afr lunch all head back, while i wait for dear to cum n pick me up. dear send me home for shower 1st as im super sweaty afr a great work out. afr shower, head to kallang leisure park k-box for singing session.

afr 4hr of singing session, it already 8pm le, time for dinner. went to KFC, e counter server service real suck, n e quality of e food is damm bad, dear cannot even finish e food.

saw dear car is like super dirty, so we head back to his hs n do a car washing. clear n shine, but it really tired me out. head to dear hs to watch tv, who knw i watch half way n i doze off le, leaving dear alone, feel so bad.

now my body is aching n got a little sun burn, argh, it hurt!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

my gift

this is the winnie the pooh collection esther got for me from HongKong.

she got me another T-shirt from Thailand, like e meaning but tis T-shirt is too big for me le, but still thx for her tot. so sweet of her, go holiday oso rem to buy stuffs for me