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Monday, November 26, 2007


yest went ktv wif dear.. nowaday the charges is really damm ex.. the 2 of us

so not use to go ktv n cannot smoke there. there onli the 2 of us, so when we went out for a smoke, the room was empty.

to our surprise when we step back into the room, the whole room is empty. they had clear our drink away, off the tv, and they throw away my sweets n tissue that put on the table.

in the end they extend another 1/2hr..replace all our fruits, tibits n drink..

when payment made, they giv us an additional 5% of discount.

tis ktv trip like save alot n got alot extra


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

promise?? happily ever after??? vow?? all nonsense!!!!!!

jus some tots run pass my mind. ppl vow to share their joy and happiness, spending the reminding of their life to stand by each other, make a life time promise to b there for each other when one needed u the most.

isnt tis the sweetest things in life???

for some ppl, this promise is jus like a puff of smoke, the smoke will disappear in the thin air as time goes by. no one will rem the promise that one had made. ppl say let the past b the past, life still move on. but how many will really do as what was told.

memories is the sweetest things to keep. memories is not reality. it all in the past.

jus feel kind of emo afr hearing some stories.

i do believe in all this life time promise, to me is like a fairy tales. but in true life, fairy tales dun exist, reality is harsh.

looking at my family, the ppl around me. i jus feel sad, time for me to wake up from my dream. happily ever after dont exist in this harsh reality, is only in the fairy tales.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

my lappy new look


                                                      the top of my lappy



                                                   the inner look of it



                                             look so girl girl, very unlike me

Friday, November 16, 2007

muffy is gone

today at wk time pass real fast. encounter a strange customer today. the way she dress up, her make-up, the way she present herself and her speech was so horrible. a 50 over yr old woman, cuddle to a old man. not that im mean, but she really look so b****y and s***y. her strong perfume can really make u leak of oxygen.

tracy reach wk early cos she had alot of stuff to settle, still need to conduct staffs training. i feel so bad that i still request to leave early. afr dear come n pick me up, head to his offic to pick his mum den we head to steven road to the "animal hospital" to visit muffy.

reach there at ard 630pm, but the nurse say we can only visit muffy afr 7pm. so we head to toa payoh to have our dinner. his mum suggest to go lor 4 there for dinner, she say is nice. is jus a normal hawker centre, but the food there was really cheap and nice.

afr dinner, went back to visit muffy. it really damm sad, she look so sick, her eyes dun even look at us. they decide to put muffy to slp rather den let her suffer, saw dear's mum cry till so badly i oso dunno wat to do.

thru out the journey back hm, silent fill me. alot of thought run pass my mind, but i dunno wat im thinkin. guess it really remind me when the time my guinen pig die. it hurt, guess i can really throw away the thought of getting a puppy, i dun wan go thru all this pain again.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i want watch saw4

today the lecturer ask us a question, and there always this joker in my class will pop out a stupid question..

arrghh! he is always the topic of the day lor, wasting everyone time for question which is not related to the law topic.

but at least i know how to start my assignment le.. haiz, damm sad, this mean that my weekend will be burn again..

damm sad lor, still hoping to watch Saw 4 this weekend, now cannot le... actually still got alot of show i wan to watch wan lor.. y all e show screen at the same time... haiz!

i want watch Saw 4, i want watch Enchanted, i want watch Bee movies, i also want watch Bratz!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ellyson's 1st month

wake up early today by elaine's sms. telling me that she setting of to eilen's house in half an hour time. jump off from bed and faster go shower, so that i can manage to hop on her ride and dont need to trouble dear to send me all the way there.

can u image, we took an hour plus to reach eileen's house. we lost our way there as elaine seldom drive and is not familiar with the road. tell other le and everyone is like keep laughing at us.

super hungry, stuff ourselves with food. yummy yummy... craving for sweet stuffs and those lovely cup cake is just nice for us.

it also the best time to catch up with the rest, for so long never see chiyi and lynette le. when was te last time i see them, remember saw lynette last was on eileen's wedding dinner, last saw chiyi was on both of our bday celebrate and jude is already such a big boy liao, time really fly..

after dear finish with his study, he come all the way down to fetch me, definately he is better den me n elaine, he never lost the way. then we head to ikea, actually wan to have dinner there but is too pack le. so grap a hotdog bun for dear and ice cream for me.

head to dear's house, after his shower went out with him to buy dinner for his family. suddenly had a very bad headache, dear took some pain killer for me n i doze off awhile till his phone ring..

dear meet jimmy for a drink, jus nice, we oso feel hungry feel like eating something. but when we reach there, we decide not to eat le. arggghhh, but i'm feeling real hungry now. dun care leh, once fall aslp den wun feel hungry anymore.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

our 1st year anniversary

before u realise the time and date, it had pass faster than what u expect... time really fly. everything like just happen yesterday to me, in a blink of eyes, it had been a year.

well, i had spent a year together with my dearest piggy.. look back at the thing that happen, the happy moment that we spent together, really thank u so much for being there for me. thank for accepting my good and bad, bearing with my bad temper. just simply thank for everything, changing me to a better person.

for this special day, i chose to buy a watch for me piggy. although i know that he dont like to wear one, but i guess watch is the best thing to capture the time, showing that i really appreciate every second that we spent together.

guess what my piggy got for me, he brought me a piggy, a black piggy to replace my blue fur ball that he brought for me from aust. that blue fur ball from a round one, i hug for nearly 1year le, hug till turn flat. so this time he brought a round piggy for me to hug again. so sweet of him.

hahaha, he told me that he chose a black one instead of the white one cos he is afraid i drool while sleeping and dirty the piggy...lolz!!!