monday blue! after so many days of rain, finally get to see the sun today. i guess those crazy ice cream fans waited for today for so long.
so tired but drag myself off the bed. yesterday night the shop alarm went off, no one in the shop, don't know what the real reason that triger of the alarm. not able to reach Tracy, call Roland and ask him how to handle this problem. no choice i need to make a trip down.
SMS dear to tell him that i'm off to shop, got scolding from him. but is true lah, what for my shop in charge don't even bother to pick up the call, yet i need to rush to shop.
dammit!!!! it just a stupid cockroach that triger the alarm. so scared when i enter the shop. look for sercuity guard to go with me.
although don't hav enough sleep, still head to shop early. went to the bank, super long quene. waited for 1hr then reach my turn. poor dear, no where to go, wait for me outside my shop for so long.
busy day, totally no time to do any prepartion for the night, i feel so paisae. having a bad stomach cramp, so decide not to go for the Orientation, just want to go and take my study material n pay the school SMS dear tell him i not meeting him early le cos not feeling well.
4pm, huixin reach le, can go off le. who know dear called and say he sending me to school, he already reach, waiting for me liao.i was so surprise he came and fetch me. so touch!
oei!!!! hee~
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