tat my new complete piece of art work. took me 1 n 1/2 day to complete all. so long nv build model le. suddenly e kick is back again. actually wan to buy bike model again, but seeing all e bikes tat i build nw is like spoil here n there, c liao oso heart pain. thank to mum always say i leave my models there to collect dust, so everytime clean e bikes for me, nw all spoil liao! super sad!
today is really a bad day at wk again. early in e morning reach shop. mus settle e corporate order, machiam i really can stay at shop 24hr like tt. althought is my reg customer, but my off day dey shld help me aleast c wat wrong wif e order lor, not really wait for me to come back to do.
den duno y today nothing is rite. i can oso blur till reserve a wrong flavour of cake for customer, when dey cum to collect den making a big fuss in my shop, but i knw im at fault, all i can do is giving dem a discount for tt.
tot tt all customer left le, can faster finish up n go hm. who knw is not as wat i expected. llody forgt to move in e host stand, n e shuttler was stuck n it give way. trying very hard to push it back till my plam nw blueblack le. it jus simply dun move lor. mus gt it fix tml morning liao.
actually is not wking tml de but last min a staff called n say he cannot wk tml, so bopian mus go back to wk liao lor. jus hope it wun b as bad as today can le
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