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Friday, June 29, 2007

1/2 shuttler dwn

yest wake up early by alot of phone call. call by shop, den customers call my mobile, head office oso kip calling n ask abt e shuttler thing. super pissed off, finally yest morning dun hav e drilling noise tot can slp longer liao. haiz.

den mit dear for lunch,den afr lunch, still early, so head to east coast.went to Gelare there to eat ice cream. yumyum..my fav mocha chip. while eating ice cream, dear sit there to do his work.

den head to shop early. 1st time ever i saw e shuttler is half open at tat hr. can u imagine there stil customer tt r crazy over ice cream, still bend their head dwn n try to cum in. e guy tt came dwn to fix e shuttler say it cannot b fix by tt day, mus wait till tml, a gd news for me, but definately nt to e bosses.

den faster pack my corporate order, today no driver to do e delivery, den i need to personnal send e corporate order to toa payoh. ok lah, anyway SPH is my reg customer, but till nw i haven c my customer before, onli tok to her thru phone.

a very nice lady. feel so touch, she jus came back frm japan. she even brought some japan tea mints for me. 1st time i feel tt there customer treasure wat we do for them n not treating us like a slave.

reach shop afr delivery, get change n back to wk. very peaceful day at wk, cos i tink most of e passer-by tot tt our shop is close for e day.

poor Eriko mus stand outside e shop, tell e passer-by tt our shop is still open, lead e customers to walk in by e back door. afraid tt e customer will bang their head, tt will b another serious complaint again!

hahha..can i leave early cos i came to shop to do my stuff super early n there not much customers. den dear cum n pick me up afr his KTV session.went to his hs to watch tv.

but today wake up my arm super aching. guess is yest carry e corporate order bah.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

looking for a better tml, i hope so!!!

tat my new complete piece of art work. took me 1 n 1/2 day to complete all. so long nv build model le. suddenly e kick is back again. actually wan to buy bike model again, but seeing all e bikes tat i build nw is like spoil here n there, c liao oso heart pain. thank to mum always say i leave my models there to collect dust, so everytime clean e bikes for me, nw all spoil liao! super sad!

today is really a bad day at wk again. early in e morning reach shop. mus settle e corporate order, machiam i really can stay at shop 24hr like tt. althought is my reg customer, but my off day dey shld help me aleast c wat wrong wif e order lor, not really wait for me to come back to do.

den duno y today nothing is rite. i can oso blur till reserve a wrong flavour of cake for customer, when dey cum to collect den making a big fuss in my shop, but i knw im at fault, all i can do is giving dem a discount for tt.

tot tt all customer left le, can faster finish up n go hm. who knw is not as wat i expected. llody forgt to move in e host stand, n e shuttler was stuck n it give way. trying very hard to push it back till my plam nw blueblack le. it jus simply dun move lor. mus gt it fix tml morning liao.

actually is not wking tml de but last min a staff called n say he cannot wk tml, so bopian mus go back to wk liao lor. jus hope it wun b as bad as today can le

Friday, June 15, 2007

my piggy is back!!

yest i was super happy at wk. finally, i completed my 3 days of full shift le! i really cant wait for e sun to set, den my piggy will b back frm KL.

finish wk at 6, too lazy to take bus hm. jus cant wait to go hm n slp, so i took a cab hm. afr shower, took my dinner, den take a nap. set alarm to wake me up at 3am, so i can go fetch my piggy.

wake up at 3am, but still haven receive any call frm him, so get prepare n everything n wait for his call. finally dear called at 4am. faster get change n took a cab to sultan plaza to wait for him, jus cant wait to c him.

seldom gt went out at tis hr. my hs here is really super quiet, very little cars on rd even. waiting at e rd side for cab is kind of scary! reach sultan plaza before dear, sit at e bus stop wait for him.

finally saw dear le, dear is back!!! no words to describe hw hapy i am when i saw him. he even brought my fav dunkin dounut for me! im so touch!

go get e car wif dear den we head for a drink before i went hm wif him to hav a rest. reach dear hs afr he took a shower den we went to bed le. had a nap, but nv went into a deep slp. but c dear so tired so dun disturb him, jus tell him a use his lap top to use.

dear really slp for very long. finally he wake up le. he took a shower den we head to tamp for a late lunch.

went to watch e movie "men in white" super lame show. e joke is real cold lor, but there oso funny part oso lor.

tml gg back to wk again liao! super sian again! haiz

Monday, June 11, 2007

i miss my dear

jus simply too tired for anything le.

sat spend e whole day accom my dear. but i really super emo tt day cos dear is leaving for KL e nxt day. although is onli 4days, but is like i so use having him by my side. i really very sad.

went to catch a movie tt afrnoon. den treat my dear to a gd dinner, luckily he like e food, cos i oso nv try e food there before. den head to dear hs to watch e 200pound beauty, but didnt manage to finish e show, cos e dwnload is very slow.

left his hs at 2plus cos mum start naggin y im not hm yet n e next day im wking full shift. jus no words to describe my sadness.

sun, im very surprise n touch tt dear came dwn my shop to look for me before he head to KL.

duno y is it so busy tt day. none stop crowd, start frm afrnoon till closing..sale is even better den sat wan lor. i wking full shift somemore. damm suay n tired!

today, another full shift!!!! is stone until i even feel to tired to tok le. luckily tracy let me off early today.i can go hm e rest..

tanhan!!!! mus really tanhan! tml 1 more full shift n wed 1 more morning shift!!!!! 3days full in a roll, it really a killer!

looking forward for thur! i jus cant wait for dear to cum back. i miss him real badly!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

fun day at wk

today is really a crazy day at wk. really cannot put me n tracy to wk together. super noise.

today is down wif staff again. onli got me tracy jimmy n kelsey at wk. somemore alot of freezer breakdown.

andrew dey all came dwn to fix e DC, who knw e water start to leaking..really floated le.. e mop dun seem to hav any use. so me n jimmy kneel dwn on e floor to clean wif a cloth instead.

singapore maid oso not so kelian, dey will hav a mop to use n yet we need to use a cloth to mopped e floor. super sad!

but still fun lah. tracy still start taking video n foto of us. look damm kelian!

peaceful day afr all, finish wk early. super shiok, i like gg hm early...

yeah! tml off can rest again liao.

Monday, June 4, 2007


sat wking morning, im always looking forward to wk in e morning cos den gt time to accom my dear.

finish wk le still haven receive any call frm dear, guess he is stil playng soccer bah, so head hm 1st lor. den half way back receive a call frm dear den he cum n pick me up.

when for dinner near his hs, e veg rice taste sux, e meat super hard lor, having a hard time chewing tt. den head to dear hs to watch tv.

sun wake up early, head to dear hs, b his mariah for e day. help him clear up his room. his room super dusty. sweep e amt of cat fur frm his bed i c liao oso scare, can form up 1 more cat liao.

kip sneezing, cannot take e dust. before i clear up e room i knw tt cnf i will do something dumbo tt day. really, i drop his dvd player remote control into a pail of dirty water. kena scolded frm him. sobsob.

late for wk late, nv expect to spent such a long time to clear up his room.

reach wk, super hungry, brought mee bandung for dinner. who knw eat liao my gastric prbm start le.

been quite sometime since i gastric giving me prbm. super pain. pain till i cannot even stand. sit n rest in e shop for like an hr den manage to stand up n go hm by myself.

i hate e feeling

Friday, June 1, 2007


wake up early today, so happy that pay out le, somemore today is off day i can go shopping wif tracy n cat. having a hard time waking tracy up, in e end still need to trouble her bf to do e job.

decide to go w/o tracy, mit her here instead. we set a time to wait for tracy we will wait for her till 1.30pm, if by 1.30pm nv receive her call we will go lunch w/o her le.

e central is really a gd place to shop, brought alot of top. spent alot of money on shopping today. wait n wait. even try calling tracy but she nv pick up so went lunch w/o her le.

had our lunch at coffee club. e food there not really tt nice. but i e coffee club there hav a very nice view frm e top. can c ppl playing e G max n can c e river side.

afr shopping, head to suntec to mit dear. suntec there is super pack, human traffic jam. dear is at e IT fare, i oso dun wan to go up n squeese wif e ppl so jus wait downstair for him.

today singapore can snow liao cos finally my "spoiled brat" dear willing to take a bus out instead of driving. on e bus he tok super loud, everyone is like looking at him, i guess he really too long nv take public transport le.

went to his hs to take his car. den went to esplanade to pick up his fren. head to marina sth for steamboat. too early for dinner still, so went to play 'house of e death4'

there goes my off day again. super sian tml gg back to wk again le.