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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Plan for up-coming Mothers' Day

This coming Sunday is Mothers' Day again, so what have you guys plan for your mum? Well, for me, as usual, I guess my mum will be expected a delivery man come knocking at her door sending her a flower & gift.

Sadly this year I do not have time to spend with her, shall treat her to a Mothers' feast real soon after that. Something new this year, I have to celebrate Mothers' day 2 time, as got a new mother (mother-in-law) from this year onward.

What the plan for my mother-in-law? Both Hubby brother & sister going oversea this Sunday, so me & my hubby gonna whip up a meal for her this coming Sunday, pretty excited about it, we gonna have the kitchen to ourselves. Hubby gonna make "guo tieh" for his family to try and leaving all other dishes to me, so stressful, hopefully what I cook will still be up to standard to them.
I went online did a lot of research on simple & easy recipes, it not going to be a big feast as it will only be 5 person eating, finally my menu for Sunday is fixed.

·      Guo Tieh

·      Steamed Silken Tofu with Shrimp and Egg
·      Stir-Fried Chicken with Shredded Ginger in Sesame Oil
·      Beer-Steamed Prawns

·      Apple Pork Rib Soup

·      Chrysanthemum Osmanthus Tea Jelly
Done with printing of all my 武林密集 (recipes), shall go on groceries shopping with hubby tomorrow since I have plan on Saturday, so excited!!!

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