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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ubin Trip 20.07.2013

Taking the opportunity that my boyfriend went for his oversea trip without me last week, I meet up the peepz for a ubin trip instead.

Been 7years since we last went there together, lot of changes to the place, really have to admitted that I'm no longer young anymore, freaking tired, off road trail is a killer!

After our cycling trip we had our seafood dinner feast at Changi, my longed seafood feast. Bought the guys for a beer at Bunker at the dinner. For 8years, I know this guys for 8years & this is our first drinking session together.

Had a very fruitful day & I missed my peepz so much!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

《Love Rain》aka 《爱情雨》

Last time, I hate to watch korean drama cos I feel that the content is so wishy washy & everyone need to prepare a box of tissue to cry your heart when watching, so, why torture yourself?

But my impression on korean drama changed ever since I watch 《My Secret Garden》. The story line tend to be like fairy tale, the romance part was touching yet heart breaking at the same time. Maybe at time, the reality was too harsh, I still hope that there always be a room for happy ending in real life no matter how bad the situation is!

Not long ago, I was watching the Taiwan version 《原来是美男》, just can't wait to find out what will the ending turn out to be, so I went to watch the Korean's version instead. Turn out that I start to fall in love with korean drama!! I was deeply attracted by the actors acting skills actually, I felt as if I'm bought into the show.

Maybe the main reason is I don't understand korean language, so I have to read the subtitle and watch the show at the same time to understand what is it about. I always have this bad habit of "listening" rather than watching if I understand the language, I like to multi-tasking to max out in everything I do rather than doing one thing at time! So I guess that the result of loving it!

Looking at my panda eyes now, I just completed my 20 episode of drama of 《Love Rain》aka 《爱情雨》 in 3 days, pardon me but I really "fall in love" literally with the actor, "Jang Keun-suk". I guess that there always this leak of romance in real life, no one actually speak out what they actually feel at the bottom of the heart, so when watch this drama I kindly envy & hope that such thing really happen in reality!

Okay, enough of dramas & back to reality now!! Time to buck up & work hard once again!! For those who haven't watch 《Love Rain》, do watch that when you have the time, it really a very touching story base on 2 generation of love.