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Monday, June 18, 2012

My Down Time

It has been awhile since I last update my blog, in the past 2 weeks, there a lot of down time for me, after all these shitty thing that happen to me, I learn that I can depend on no one other than myself.

Handling every single things by myself wasn't easy at all, I admit that I broke up nearly every single days last week & I'm really in the mid of giving up & craved for a warm helping hands. But eventually I overcome all, I literally handle everything by myself, not forgetting the little moral support given by the people around me that keep me going.

I appreciate all your help, I might act a little abnormal lately, please pardon me, but ask yourself this before you judge me, how well you know about me? I don't expect anyone of you will understand my concerns or worries when I kept every single things to myself & project only the cheerful, strong & independence me in front of everyone. None of you will understand my persistence on handling things, not even the closest person in my life understand, I did try to speak up before, no difference is made, so, what for a waste my time on impossible? If strong & independence imagine of Lynn Koh is what you all want to see, that will be what you get, I will show you only that & never the real me.

I believe most of my friends already know about this, I been troubled by Dino's health issue lately, I don't wish to go into details on that as I really don't wish to recalled those tough time that I went through, but I basically make my visit to the vet every single days last week.

Anyway thank for everyone concern, Dino was my strong boy, he hang on & bear with me through the whole process with me, his surgery was a successful one, I went to visit him yesterday evening, he seem recovering well, if everything went smoothly he will be able to go home this evening.

I spend a lump sum on this current health issue of his, close to my whole month salaries in total. But if anything can be solve by money is never an issue to me, as long as thing can be resolve, no matter how much I spend is all worth it. I just pray for his good health, all I wish is him being healthy & strong, there nothing more I can ask for other than this.

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