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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Luxury Movies

OMG!! I been spending aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-lot lately, the additional income of bonus wasn't even close to enough. I can't believe that I actually spend like 300bucks on Wednesday for 6pair of heel & some beauty products.

I took PM leave on last Friday to bring Dino to the vet. This is like a half annual routine visit without fail, don't know why, but Dino's skin problem always re-surface after 6months. Guess how much the bill for this time, 210 bucks!! It so freaking expensive, super pain, but no choice is for his good. Luckily dear do not have any appointment on that afternoon, so he actually send me to & back from the vet, save me on the cab fare.

Later in the evening, dear came over to picked me up after he knock off, went for a simple dinner & we head home for a rest before catching the movie "Snow White & the Huntsman". This is a long movie, 127minutes, initially we plan to watch Gold Class for this show, but this movie demand was really high in demand, even Gold Class left with the first row seat, so we tried Shaw instead.

Do you know that Shaw have similar "Gold Class" thingy too? If you do not know, information might be useful for you if you wanna go for some luxury feel. I have not try Cathay yet, but as compare on Golden Village & Shaw, other than the leg space was a little limited & only available in Nex for Shaw, I prefer Shaw more, more food choice too.

Golden Village Price:
$29 / ticket on off peak
$39 / ticket on peak

Shaw Price:
$20 / ticket on off peak
$25 / ticket on peak

Cathay Price
$28 / ticket on off peak
$38 / ticket on peak

On Saturday we spend most of the time at home, had dinner with his parents at the famous Thai food place (forgot the name) at Bedok. The queue was long, so me & dear head over to queue for a table first & his parents join us after that. The food was good & selling at a very reasonable price, we stroll back to his house after our heavy dinner. Actually I feel kinda of sweet, during our stroll back, I see his parents walking hand in hand home, so loving, how many parents outta still can walk hand in hand at that age, it really make people outta envy.

Oh ya, I got a new hair colour on my hair now, credit to my silly boyfriend. I actually request to help me to dye my hair earlier that week, he offered his help without hesitation. I appreciate his offered, but initially I thought he just agree for the seek of my request, who know he really hand on for me, so sweet of him, his every small gesture always touch my heart.

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