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Friday, November 7, 2008

My Anniversary

Yesterday, after work, head to dear's office to wait for him to complete his stuff. guess what i bought for him on our anniversary, 2 Levi jean and a top.

after dear complete his stuffs, we head to the car park to get the car. dear passed me his lappy ask me to put at the back seat of the car. after that i head back to him, he ask me,

"you act you never see anything or really never see?"

run back to the car and see what in the back seat. Woooo!! my present!! starting i really never see lor, cos the car park really very dark.

dear know that all those stuffs that he bought if i bring home my mum going to scream at me, so he even think of where should i put those stuff.

This mushroom is to put in the car for me to hug. so suprise dear allow me to put soft toy in his car, last time no matter what, he will say a "NO" to me.

This is to put in dear's house so that if i stay over, other then fur ball, there is this for me to hug

this is for me to hang on my handphone.

dear say no point getting me real flower cos always die. so this my flower for the day.

this bear come with the flower.


Went Mariners' Corner for our dinner, just love this place, full of memories. This is the restaurant that dear bought me to 2years back when we are first together.

never eat loster this time round, had steak and jumbo sauage.


after dinner head back to dear's house, tried the jean, luckily it fit.

went to Labrador Park for a stroll, missed the place, lot of memories!

Thanks dear for every little things you had done for me.


  1. wa.. so lang man!!! mark nv fails to buy u soft toys every year hor!

  2. to hannah: Thanks thanks :)

    to Sharon: that true, mark say other den that he dunno what to buy for me le. at least now he plan for me where to put, so i go where oso got thing for me to hug hug. lolz

  3. the flowers is nice.
    bud i think foam flowers are darn nicer! :D
