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Monday, September 29, 2008

worn out

kind of glad that 10days had pass, my mum is back in singappre.

at e very first stage, i tot i can fully enjoy e time w/o any control, but thing didnt turn out as i expected.

sort of worn out evry single day. life was dull... not enough slp. wk in e morning, need to go back hm to do housework daily. if wanna hang out wif frenz, need to pay a price for tt, whick is do my housework till middle of e nite causing me to feel so zombie e nxt day.

very late for wk last friday, nearly an hour. nv expected e closure of e road for F1 can create such big impact. so no choice, stay till late tt day.

on my way back hm, jam was horrible, chose to doze off in the bus. woke up 1/2hour later, still on ECP. but nv did i expect i can c the test track of the F1 thingy from the bus. listening to my MP3 yet i can hear e loud sound e machine gave out.

sat, stay went to dear's hse to do his stuffs. tons of clothes waitin for me to iron. did not manage to finish tt, dear's frenz reach n making noise le.

head to suntec for e motor show, who knw tt it end early due to e F1 thingy. went to experience e F1 fever near e track, turn out to b a bad headache i hav as e noise is far too loud for me.

bump into YM n andy over there in suntec. afr leavin e place, suddenly feel that e evo 9 which we are sitting in is so quiet compare to e F1 machinery.

went for dinner n k session, totally worn out.

sun woke up, had my lunch n continue with my unfinish job of ironing. quickly get my thing done, rush hm to clean up my hse b4 mum head hm.

step into my hse, broken glasses everywhere. kind of speechless a e moment. take stupid clock drop off frm e wall causing this mess. kenna cut on e hand still.

went shower afr i throw all my clothes into e washing machine. afr shower, my kitchen was flooded with soapy water, e pipe went loose.

i broke down, jus a simple thing i cannot do well. i trying my very best to do e best of everything, let my mum feel comfortable, not tt she got lot of stuff to do when she cum back from holiday, but still, a mess i created.

thanks dear for being there for me when i feel so lost, helping me to clean up e mess. thanks lot dear!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


it had been long since i last update i guess. . life seen to be as boring as before, actually nothing much to update as well. but jus feel kind of bored at work. . no bosses ard. . wat a wonderful time to relax awhile.

anyway, jus for all your info, i found my full time job le. yap!! intend to stay n continue to wk in Epson. pay wasn't tt wonderful, but to tink back, for a newbie for deskbound job still consider gd le bah, definatly better den HD.

i love the office job hours, wake up early n squeese my way to work like everyone else. afr work will mit up wif dear, or hang our wif my fren. at least i feel i hav more time for everyone now.

been acting like a house wife days ago, my mum went holiday at Beijing, off for 10 days. so afr a long all at wk, i need get back hm n do my housework, wash n iron clothes, i can c wat i going to be like in the near furture le... kind of scary, n worn out at time.

is not so difficult afr all, but can u image, i seldom do housework, but now, not onli my mum went holiday. dear's mum went oversea too.. so for weekday i need to head back my house to do my hse wk, over e weekend i need to go dear's hse to do their. . . . .

now i knw how wonderful to hav my mum ard to do everything for me. but wat i love most is e freedom i hav now, no mum's nagging.. i can stay out as late as i wan, jus need to ans to myself if im able to wake up e nxt day for wk.. i can dun go hm if i dun feel like...tt really wonderful!!!!!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

happy birthday sharon

hApPy BiRtHdAy DeAr ShArOn....

~~MaY aLl YoUr WiShEs CoMe TrUe~~

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hope time will stop at weekend

Monday blue! Back in my office now after my weekend. Feeling kind of lazy now, how i wish the time will just stop at weekend.

Let me recap what have i done this weekend.

Last Friday is not like a working day for me. Wake up at 6.24am, just want to make sure i will reach Harbourfront by 8.30am to meet up with Shana and Eve. Yap, i'm early, but still not as early as Eve. Had our breakfast at Kopitiam while waiting for Shana to reach.

After Shana reach, took a cab, head down to Bukit Batok, our Service Lab. Get started real soon for our stock count once we reach. Manage to finish real soon as we got lot of hand to help out today.

Just simply cannot tanhan that B***H, only know how to shake leg and ask other to do this do that, all she know is sitting down comfortably and talk. What wrong if i got a tattoo. I don't seem what have it got to do with her. Got tatto doesn't show that I'm bad, at least i know when to work and when to play.

Back to Vivo at around 1.20pm. So hungry, pass our usual lunch time. Had our lunch at "Super Dog". Yummy, thanks Shana for the treat as she late this morning. After lunch, time to head back to office.

Never really do anything when we got back to office. MSN is a wonderful thing to use in office not to keep us bored. Play MSN with other from different department, just won't run out of common topic for gossip.

On the dot, off my desktop, left the office. Went to Vivo to meet up with dear and his mum for dinner. The quene outside the restaurant was so long, but i don't think the food there is nice.

After dinner, head back to dear house, let him have a shower first and meet up the rest at P.S for movie. Watch "Phobia". I love the movie, scary!! Just can't stop laughing when i hear dear and the rest screaming. Hahaha...suppose to be a scary movie, yet i keep laughing.

After the show, went to Serangoon to get Jimmy's car paste with sticker. Waited so long, tired! So me, dear n Benson make a move first, send Benson home, then dear went back home to pick up some stuffs and come to my house.

OH NO!!!! Forget to on my alarm!!! Dear was late for his meeting, feel so bad. Wake up help him to get ready, mum had already made breakfast for us, pack the breakfast for dear and send him off to work. Time to get back to my la la land.

Woke up at 10plus, time to get prepare and head out for our Teachers' Day meet up once every year. Meet up with Sharon, head down to Orchard Ceni, went Suki Sushi buffet for lunch. Girls gossip as usual, even Merlinda join in the gossiping.

After lunch, still early, accompany Sharon to meet up with Junjia. 2 of them need to accompany to grap some mooncakes for Taka. Lot of people there, hardly have chance to walk walk around, so we just grap and go.

On my way back home, dear came and pick me up, saw rainbow in the sky that really lovely.

Sunday woke up early to wake my piggy dear up for his family lunch, send him off and back to bed again. Stay at home whole afternoon, let dear get his stuff done. Cook grill loster for other tea time, really yummy. Who know loster shell is cover with spike, kenna poke by it on my hand while dealing with it, so itchy....ArrgggHHHhhh....

Went K-box for buffet dinner. Now they even have the service to help other to take photo. So happy, i love the picture, as i know dear hate to take photo, yet this time round we pay for the photo and dear willing to take with me.

Can't wait for time to pass real soon, it not even 11am yet...

Waiting, waiting, waiting...yet the time is crawling.....