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Sunday, January 20, 2008

im tired

being very tired n very packed wif my schedule recently.

since afr my full shift last tue. i was like super duper stone till today i tink my batt still not fully charge yet.

work, work n work... study, study and study... really dunno how much more i can take... wan to wk, yet cannot put in all e effort.. wan to study oso cannot concentrate. also cannot dun wk, wait no allowance....

how?? result is getting frm bad to worst le. i really afraid i cannot cope.

no time..i tink time is nv enough den rite... now i dun even hav much time to acom my piggy le. heng somehow he is always addited to his games, im not there still hav his games to pei him.

1 comment:

  1. gal must study if not waste ur time and money.. study hard.
