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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

monday blue

monday blue! after so many days of rain, finally get to see the sun today. i guess those crazy ice cream fans waited for today for so long.

so tired but drag myself off the bed. yesterday night the shop alarm went off, no one in the shop, don't know what the real reason that triger of the alarm. not able to reach Tracy, call Roland and ask him how to handle this problem. no choice i need to make a trip down.

SMS dear to tell him that i'm off to shop, got scolding from him. but is true lah, what for my shop in charge don't even bother to pick up the call, yet i need to rush to shop.

dammit!!!! it just a stupid cockroach that triger the alarm. so scared when i enter the shop. look for sercuity guard to go with me.

although don't hav enough sleep, still head to shop early. went to the bank, super long quene. waited for 1hr then reach my turn. poor dear, no where to go, wait for me outside my shop for so long.

busy day, totally no time to do any prepartion for the night, i feel so paisae. having a bad stomach cramp, so decide not to go for the Orientation, just want to go and take my study material n pay the school fee.so SMS dear tell him i not meeting him early le cos not feeling well.

4pm, huixin reach le, can go off le. who know dear called and say he sending me to school, he already reach, waiting for me liao.i was so surprise he came and fetch me. so touch!


Monday, July 30, 2007

happy happy happy

been quite sometime since i last post my blog. totally cannot recall wat had actually happen. jus knw tt im like back to my normal wking life le.

no more hactic wking hrs for me le. enough staff n manager nw. wat made me happy e most is my bonus coming soon le, counting dwn for tt day.

finally tender my resignation le. last wking day will b at aug18.... den can hav my long 2 week break, since start wking frm age of 15 till now, i had nv take such a long break before. scare tt spider wed will start to grow on me.

luckily still not tt bad, aug21 will b starting sch le, cant wait for tt day to come.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


monday blue. is a real blue. need to do so much preparation afr a busy weekend. e wk is non-stop de. jus kip doing n doing.

still hoping tt roland kip his words, find a replacement for me, so i dun need to wk any full shift tis week, but still, haiz, onli disappointment.

kind of tired at wk, nv really tok much. even tracy dun dare to disturb me, she jus leave me alone.

receive a call frm dear telling me his bad day at wk too. i feel bad, when he is unhappy i cannot accom him,i still hav to wk, den he mus go out n find his fren to accom him.

tt e best part of e day, it closing time preparing to go hm. not much crowd at nite, last customer left at 2315, too early to close e shuttler, wait tll 2330, finally shuttler down le. call uncle to reach early, ask him to cum at 12 to fetch us.

decide to go to dear hs to look for him awhile, but i wan to giv him a surprise, i dun wan to let him knw, cos i knw he ad a bad day, jus wan to make him smile alittle.on e way to his hs, abt to reach, he called.

no choice to tell him a white lie, told him tt i jus alight frm cab, walking my way hm, afraid tt he found out n my effort will b gone, so i walk super fast n finally reach his door step. told dear i reach le, but is not my hs, is his hs, he like shock n dun belif me.

but i saw a little smile on his face when he open e door,cos guess he knw im a person t wun do such thing. went in n accom dear awhile, brought him some ice cream, insist tt he open e lid himself, hahaha, i had draw a smily face on e ice cream.

finally i saw e real smile on dear face le. i so happy to c him smile again. accom him to finish his ice cream n i need to rush hm to rest le, so tired afr a long day, need to come hong my dear afr my wk, n tml wking morning, so tired.

i always belif desserts can is e best way to relif stressed. chocolate can always make a person happy n smile.  hahah, my piggy love both!

Monday, July 16, 2007

sunshine afr e rain

finally the worst week i ever had in haagen dazs for so many years is over.

i did not know that i can take so many long hr. did tried before last time at raffles n vivo, but either my body cannot take it anymore, fall sick, or my mentally cannot take it, tender resignation.

i think i can pack my lauggage, to sleep in haggen dazs. is like i spent more time in haggen dazs than in my own house. not much time to accompany my dear too.

next coming week will b a better week, i really hope so.

Friday, July 6, 2007

wat a hectic week

been a week since i last blog le. e past week was a hectic one, super tired, finally pull thru le. can hav a gd rest tml le, tis off day seen to b like so far away.

so many long hr. mon, wking full wif tracy, like nv ending wk for both of us.luckily is a quiet day,so we can get our stuff done. let tracy go hm n rest early so tt she will hav more time to accom her bf.

wake up early on tue although wking nite. go dear hs to look for him cos tis week dun hav much time to accom him. tracy is wking morning tt day. since her bf sending her to wk n since alvin live so near to me, so he oso giv me a ride to dear hs as well as go ta pao breakfast for tracy. wake dear up to open door for me. den afr tt accom dear to eat lunch n wait for him to go wk.

so happy to receive a call frm crystal saying tt she can take over my shift. but still, head to shop in e afrnoon to get my corporate order done before i left e shop. by e time i finish is already 8plus le. took a bus to interchange to pay my hp bills n buy some stuff.

abt to walk hm frm there, jus nice tracy call n say she on e way to my hs to pass me e shop key. a few min later, dear call n say he done wif his stuff, coming over to mit me.their timing was super nice lor, afr tracy dey all left nt even 1min, den dear reach le. we had dinner at long john den head to dear hs. argghh! gastric pain!!!!

wed, wking full... do alot of cleaning up wif afra, i hate to clear e drainage, is worst den e drain by e road side, very dirty!! scrub e floor wif a small scrub. worst den singapre maid, at least dey still gt mop to use, cos i break e mop, so bopian lor.at least c e floor bcum clean, feel tt at least my hard wk can b seen. jus simply tired, n body really ache. 

thur, wking morning. super tired, wan to slp longer dun feel like waking up, planning to take a cab to wk. luckily dear cum n pick me up, send me to wk. lot n lot of stuffs to do. dun even hav time for lunch. so sweet, dear cum n buy me lunch. fried chicken noodle, yumyum. been sometime since i last eat tt.feel so touch!

went for a corporate delivery, at changi cargo there. dey r crazy, buy till 1k plus afr 30% discount somemore. afr e delivery, akbar send me back hm. took a cab wif sis frm chaichee to suntec, mit up wif e rest of e gers.

thru out e dinner i really stone till like duno wat e rest toking abt like tt.e food i order oso taste sux! a very ex dinnner, cos us ard 140bucks afr dinner wan to take cab hm but very long quene, den mus trouble malcom to send us all hm. reach hm n doze off straight afr shower.

today wake up early cos need to go shop early to do some final touch up before e ESP audit. really peifu tracy, she do e cleaning up whole nite thru,alvin oso stay there e whole nite to help her out. den mornin she went to alvin hs to shower le den cum n pick me up to shop.

sad, so much hard wk, but still we fail e audit. tracy start crying afr she knw e result, is like all our hard wk went dwn e drain. very sad. afr e audit, i took a cab n head to c company doc. waited very long for my turn.

elbow got infected till i could hardly bend my arm. actually doc wanted to giv me 3days mc, but im off tml n sun. so ask him jus gave me mc for today can le.

afr seeing doc, den mit dear for dinner. afr dinner he send me back to shop to get my stuff, who knw when i wan take thing frm my locker, office door was lock cos afra was changing, den mus pass e money n mc to chyehong. left my hp in dear car, piss him off cos he cannot wait there n cannot find me.haiz!

wat a tired week i had, i really duno wat will e nxt week schedule will b like, jus hope nothing worst den tis week.