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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Third Trimester

Another milestone clocked, both Little Sunshine & I had officially stepped into our third trimester, Little Sunshine is 28weeks 0days as of today.

To look back now, pregnancy journey was really a tough one, feeling lethargy, loss of appetite & insomnia in the first trimester, to getting all my energy back, but haunt by backache, cramps, clumsiness, water retention, always hungry & insomnia still in second trimester, I seriously don’t know what more am I going to expect in third trimester. Dilemma, feeling worry, but yet looking forward at the same time, not much time before Little Sunshine “pop”, but I still have so much thing not done yet. I have not done any shopping till date so far, all the necessity like baby cot, stroller, bouncer, milk bottles, formula, diapers etc not bought yet, and I haven’t even start sourcing for my maid.

So much thing to do and so little time left, at this moment I also don’t know I should start from where now, feeling so lost.

The baby bump is getting super heavy lately and I looked like an enormous Snorlax walking around. Getting really bulky & clumsy nowadays, every small little movement seem to be a pain in the ass to me. My back feel like it gonna break into 2 pieces in no time and how I wish I can just lay still on my cosy bed and not move at all. The worst of all is my bloated elephant legs is killing me, feel like punching anyone right in their face if they accidentally step on my feet now. Guess that the pain of pregnancy after all.

Time to start counting down

Friday, January 13, 2017

Everyday, is a new Experience for Us

10.01.2017 was such an unique experience for Daddy Su. At time before we head for bed, I will grab daddy’s hand and place on my tummy for him to feel Little Sunshine movement as I had been telling him how strong is her kick and movement was nowadays. But as usual, Little Sunshine wasn’t very cooperative during that time, she will just give daddy a gentle touch despite how much I rubbed my tummy and wake her up from sleep, that my naughty princess.

Little Sunshine enjoy TV time the most, whenever we went for movie or watch TV at home, she will start to kicking me aggressively. Daddy saw me rubbing my tummy while watching TV that evening, he turns his head over and ask me to stop disturbing Little Sunshine sleep. I told him that Little Sunshine was dancing in my tummy and at this very moment, Little Sunshine give me a very strong kick, daddy can even see the movement on my tummy without touching it (I was wearing a tight top at home). He was really shock, so I quickly take this opportunity to disturb daddy from his TV time, I went over and sit closely to him, grab his palm to rest on my tummy. This is the very first time daddy feel such big movement from Little Sunshine and he was really amazed by it.

Almost coming to the end of my 2nd trimester now, next week onward, I’ll be stepping into my 3rd trimester, this journey didn’t come by easy at all. Currently I was haunt by insomnia, backache, cramps & bad water retention on my legs. All my movement start to become so clumsy, just a simple action of picking up stuff from the floor can left me breathless. I can’t walk as fast as before anymore, every steps I take now I can feel the pins & needles under my feet, even daddy have to slow down and suit my paces now.

Little Sunshine, please be healthy and strong, we are almost there. Date are getting closer as each day passes, Daddy & Mummy gonna see you real soon, we are so looking forward for your arrival. We love you so much.

Now then I know exactly the meaning of "loving someone so deeply even before we met".

That my elephant feet now. Overgrown all my shoes.