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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Later Post - Uni Life with Murdoch

I had always been a super antisocial person, I hate mixing around with strangers, I hate to change & adapt to new environment. Knowing that I required to do group assignment & presentation for my degress course really freak me out!

I took quite awhile to open up to my group mates in my first semester, but luckily I met a group of awesome people, we became rather close & manage to pull through the first semester together!

Guys, thanks for being so understanding even though I screwed up the presentation due to my stage fright, thanks for being so encouraging when I score badly in my mid term tests, you guys are awesome!!

Had a little meet up during our term break to celebrate the end of our first semester at Wine Connection, it was a fun night that filled with gossip & laughter :)

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