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Saturday, July 26, 2008

friday, wat i always looking for...

it friday today, surprising im home so early today.

jus love friday so much, cos tml is not a wking day. today at wk, super nua. can say i nv really do a single thing at wk today other den replying some customer email.

especially afr lunch, all the ppl in my department went for a meeting, gd time for me to slack. surf the net, go smoke, go pantry take coffee, till ard 530pm they are back into the office, act busy for 30min n time to knock off..heehee..

went to vivo to meet up wif dear n his mum for dinner. recommand them to diao xiao er for dinner, simply love e herbal roast duck. dear think their food is not worth for such an expensive price.

afr dinner, went to dear hs to nua. he super busy playing wif his new Htc diamond phone. kind of cool, but to complex for me.

watch tv till dear receive his phone call, time for his mahjong session n that y im hm so early today...

look forward for my ktv session tml.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


been long since i last update. busy with my work?? not really, kind of pull myself today wk daily, wait for lunch time.

afr lunch always feel so lazy, act busy most of the time, no longer now...nowaday always got tons of work waiting for me.

on e dot, 6 o'clock, off my desktop, time to say byebye...

that e kind of life i'm leading now. now everyone, guess u all will know y i take so long to update my life, cos for now, if got chance, not neccessary, i will not on my desktop or laptop at home.

i already need to face it 8hr a day, eyesight is getting from bad to worst le.

been putting on weight recently, eat le sit, sit le eat...non-stop eating day n nite.. die le....

while on bus, on e way home, lots of thought run thru my mind while i pass by marina south on ECP.

changes is meant to b a gd thing, but while changes are made, things are lost at the same time, now onli left with memories to recall.

marina south is full of memories for me. it e 1st place tt me n dear went out together when we first know each other i tink 7-8yr ago, and tons of memories there. jus simply love to sit by e seaside wif my dear by my side.

guess i jus tink too much le....but memories are always so sweet...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

monday blue

i hate monday, mus drag myself off my bed..squeeze my way into e MRT...make my way to work..

but i love e weekend which had jus pass.

fri, finish wk..i hav nowhere to go. went for  a hair cut...walk walk at suntec n P.S before i head down to wait for dear to finish sch.

afr dear finish sch, went to hav our late dinner together, n went to watch movie, "Hancock". i dun tink e show is nice but dear love it. getting late le, so dear sent me back hm n rest.

sat, nua at hm whole day, till dear finish sch le cum to my hse n do his wk.. had pizza for dinner, try a new flavour, beef bacon cheese burger....yummy!!!!

finally, dear got time for me tis weekend le. he done wif his stuff. get change n time for him to bring me out. but we drive 1 round outside, nowhere to go so head back hm n play 2 ppl mahjong.

play till 1 plus when mum came hm den we stop, head to e room n watch e cartoon "flush away". who knw i watch half way n doze off le.

sun, early in e morning wake dear up for his family lunch...den i continue to nua n hm till dear come back, watch tv together n evening time we head out to marine corner for dinner.

feel so gd tt dear finally hav time to accom me..but guess we need to cut dwn our expenses, not to spend so much, time to save up.

mon, done wif all my stuff at my wk...clear all my email inbox...send out all letters to customers... rearrange my desktop...before lunch time i hav nothing to do le.

so sad, during lunch time all other went off for lunch, leaving me behind... dunno where to go wat to do. so jus walk ard vivo, call tracy to chit chat...got so much to catch up..gg back to HD to wk tis sat, kind of looking forward.

afr lunch time totally hav nothing to do at all...act busy...find thing to do...drag till 6 finally knock off le...haiz, wonder hw i gg to pass my time at wk tml..