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Monday, April 30, 2007

going back to sch soon!

finally afr much consideration, i took a off for yest, went dwn to cuppage there to sign up for my course le.e campus there quite cool, hav their own library, student each hold a pass to enter to e campus. got study corner, a cafe there too.

now hav a clearer view abt e course n hw everything goes. really mus wk dbl hard on my study le, cannot giv up half way, every cents count now.

afr entrolling everything, sms dear to check if he is free le, but he still busy, so go walk walk alone. went centrepoint to chat wif jeffery awhlie, even he knw tat i got intention to resign liao. try calling everyone to ask who is free for lunch, but none seem to b free.

den head to walk walk at raffles city, e place there really change alot le, den head to e basement,feeling hungry wanna grap something to eat.saw a shop selling donut, e quene is really very long, forget abt it, so went to quene up for cheese sauage instead.

when abt my turn to cum le, receive dear msg at ard 1245pm, he ask me to head to plaza sing to mit him. haiz, forgt abt my sauage den head straight there ard at 1pm. went there dun dare to msg dear scare he busy den went walk walk alone myself.

wait n wait..walk n walk.. even went to starbuck to drink coffee n read newspaper alone, waited for 3hr den finally dear reach! wow! nv try waiting for anyone so long before. but tat not e end, he reach there need to go mac n wk again. continue waiting again, wait till ard 6pm.

finally dear finish wk le, but he is dead hungry le. head to cathay there to hav our dinner at billy bombers.

super tired now, goin to hav some rest, tml still need to wk morning.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

tired~super tired!!!

everything dun seem to b smooth for me. i really feeling very tired le, im damm sick of my job. everyday is like dragging myself to wk.

finally made a decision that i wan to go back to study, but who knw, prbm is like coming 1 afr another like tat.

afr much calculation. i really giv a sec tot to e idea of going back to study. i really mus struggle thru e mths if i really resign frm my job. burden too heavy. think back life is really like a joke, when i hav a chance to study, i dun treasure it. now i wan to study, i need to struggle my way thru. althought money is not everything, but w/o money, u really can do nothing.

im oso very afraid tat i cannot handle wif my wk n study together. money money money!! if i really study wif e help of mum n dear to lessen my burden, but i feel really bad increasing their.

wk is oso not smooth for me, up n dwn!!! i really feel very very tired sometime, feel like crying out, like breaking down soon le. but still, tell myself to b strong, no time to take any break now. i need to faster my paces to earn as much, save as much as i can now, so if really i start to study 1 day, by e time i can dun wk so much, concentrate more on study.

my head is super heavy n very tired now le

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

on e fire

i duno wat wrong wif me today. simply lost my calm to everything n everyone.

i nv been like tat before. i even lost my temper n shout at my poor piggy for no reason.

y all e shit happen to me, i swear e damm fucker will get his retribution one day real soon. he really spoil my day cause me to hav a super bad headache n suddenly jus dun feel like doing anything, my body is super tired, my brain is not wking anymore le.

damm suay all e way, guess really need to go temple pray soon.