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Friday, October 20, 2017

Daddy Su 33rd

On the 12th October 2017, the boy I know since 15 turns 33. This year was a little different from the previous, we had a new addition to our little family, our baby Marilyn.

This is the first time Daddy Su celebrate his birthday together with Marilyn.

Dear Daddy Mark, Mummy Lynn & Baby Marilyn love you lot, hope that all your wishes come true.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Happy 6th Months Baby

I seriously don't know where have all the time went to, just seem like you came into my life yesterday and you are already 6 months old today, Happy 6th Months, baby.

Bought you to your second wedding dinner last Saturday, you misbehave quite abit on that day, so restless for the whole wedding & mummy had a real hard time handling you alone while daddy is busy helping uncle Derek. 

But I'm still very proud of you, no matter how tired you are, you didn't make a big fuss, you just keep "complaining" (baby-talk) non-stop. Your action bought a lot of laughter to the people on our table, that my happy pill.