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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lycan Su

After Dino left me for the rainbow bridge last year, my world came tumbling down. Not long after, my husband suggested that we should adopt a dog, partly hoping that I can get over Dino, secondly, we can do our part to save an innocent life at the same time. But I wasn’t sure I’m ready at that point of time and that is how my fostering journey start.

The past one year was a fruitful one, I didn’t realise that helping without asking for return can be so satisfying. In this journey, I met many selfless individual from different AWGs and I had learnt so much from them, not forgetting my husband for being so supportive on this decision. Apart from them, I also encounter many sad cases, pitiful paw kids being cruelly abandon by their owner. so heartbreaking.

From tomorrow onward, I officially end my fostering journey (for the time being only) by welcoming a new member to my family, Lycan (Previously known as Yogurt / Yogi). Lycan is never a replacement for Dino, as Dino had already earned a permanent position in my heart and will never be forgotten, Lycan is a new member that we will open our heart to.

My fostering journey won’t just stop here, once both me and Lycan is ready, we will do our part to assist the AWGs to rehome more strays out there once again.

~Lycan being rescued in the forest with the rest of his family~ 

~The only 2 white & brown pups among the 6 kiddos~

~Lycan at the fosterer's home~

~Melted by his puppy eye~

~I love this photo, this is the photo the rehomer send me once confirmed that I was selected among the potential adopter with the caption of "Hi, Mummy!". Love his big smile!!~

~The rehomer send me update on Lycan while I'm away for me Biz trip~

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Convocation - Graduating from Murdoch University

I had never expected that this day will come. The day I’m waiting at the side of the stage, wearing an over-sized maroon regalia and a black mortar board on my head. When my name is called, I proudly walk onto the stage, have my handshake with the Chancellor as he handed over the red booklet to me. Yes, this is the day, the day I’m officially declared as a degree-holder, awarded with Bachelor of Commerce, Double Major in Management and Marketing, graduated from Murdoch University.

~The graduating students~

~What my family members gotten for me~

~Name of the list~

~Me receiving my graduating certification from the Chancellor~

This two years of study journey hasn’t been easy for me, in many occasions, I was at the urge of giving up. Thank you for all the support I received from my family members, especially my husband, for being so tolerance and understanding to me over this period of time. Not forgetting my mum, always give me encouragement at my lowest point in life.

My convocation was held on 24.10.2015, Saturday, 7pm at Raffles Convention Centre. Sad to say, I didn’t get the chance to graduation with some of my closed classmates as the ceremony was separated into two days and three different sessions. Many different people crossed my path in this 2 years study journey of mine, I would say most of them are just passer-by only a few stayed, and of course, I so glad that I met them and still in contact so far.

~First photo after the ceremony, with my superwoman~

~Thank you to my family members for attending my convocation~

~2 Lynn here, with my classmate~

~With my lecturer, Dr Juregen~

Thank you mum, sis, brother-in-law and my husband for taking time out of their busy schedule to be there and witness this important moment of mine. Today, I hope I had make you guys proud by going onto that stage with my mortar board on, for the very first time in my life, and I’m rather sure it is also going to be the last, no plan to further study at this moment, at least for now.

~With my dearest husband, thank you for being so supportive~

~My wonderful sister~

~Thank you for bringing me up so well~

~Life couldn't be better without you all~

~Thank you to them once again~