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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Looking Forward

14 days more, I will be travelling out of Asia for the very first time, I’m so looking forward.

It going to be a 14 hours flight journey to our destination (13 hours 55 minutes to be exact), 6 hours of time difference, gonna have a huge problem adjusting to the jet lag issue when we arrival. We are departing at 1.30 am SGT on 15th December 2015 from Singapore, estimated to touch down at 9.25 am local time, have to make sure we have ample sleep on the plane, I’m glad that we are travelling with SIA, too used to travel with them for all my business trips, rather spoiled in a way, can never get used to travel with budget airline anymore.

Special thanks to my in-laws for this fully sponsored trip, whole family will be travelling a long way together to attend my sister-in-law’s wedding, how wonderful is that. The wedding is a 3 days events,  on the first is a BBQ session, second day following by the traditional Chinese tea ceremony for the immediate family members and last but not least, the English style wedding dinner on the third day.

It will be holiday time after these 3 days event, just can’t wait for that.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Letter to Dino

Hey Baby,

Happy 7th Birthday to you.

How I wish you are still around so mummy can celebrate your birthday with you like the past 6 years.

Have you met Mac Mac & Samuel boy at the rainbow bridge? I’m very sure you are in good hand with them.

Almost a year since the day you left, time doesn’t fade the memories off, but make me misses you more each day.

Have you come drop by to visit Lycan? He is a new addition to our family after you left, just as mischievous like you in the past, he is draining off every single drop of energy of mine.

Please don’t get jealous over Lycan okay, as I can assure you that your position in my heart is irreplaceable.

I hope that you are really happy at the rainbow bridge.

I don’t know how long it going to take, but I’m sure that when the day come, you will be at the other end of the rainbow bridge waiting for me.

Till the day we meet, again.

I love you Dino.

Love you always,

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lycan Su

After Dino left me for the rainbow bridge last year, my world came tumbling down. Not long after, my husband suggested that we should adopt a dog, partly hoping that I can get over Dino, secondly, we can do our part to save an innocent life at the same time. But I wasn’t sure I’m ready at that point of time and that is how my fostering journey start.

The past one year was a fruitful one, I didn’t realise that helping without asking for return can be so satisfying. In this journey, I met many selfless individual from different AWGs and I had learnt so much from them, not forgetting my husband for being so supportive on this decision. Apart from them, I also encounter many sad cases, pitiful paw kids being cruelly abandon by their owner. so heartbreaking.

From tomorrow onward, I officially end my fostering journey (for the time being only) by welcoming a new member to my family, Lycan (Previously known as Yogurt / Yogi). Lycan is never a replacement for Dino, as Dino had already earned a permanent position in my heart and will never be forgotten, Lycan is a new member that we will open our heart to.

My fostering journey won’t just stop here, once both me and Lycan is ready, we will do our part to assist the AWGs to rehome more strays out there once again.

~Lycan being rescued in the forest with the rest of his family~ 

~The only 2 white & brown pups among the 6 kiddos~

~Lycan at the fosterer's home~

~Melted by his puppy eye~

~I love this photo, this is the photo the rehomer send me once confirmed that I was selected among the potential adopter with the caption of "Hi, Mummy!". Love his big smile!!~

~The rehomer send me update on Lycan while I'm away for me Biz trip~

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Convocation - Graduating from Murdoch University

I had never expected that this day will come. The day I’m waiting at the side of the stage, wearing an over-sized maroon regalia and a black mortar board on my head. When my name is called, I proudly walk onto the stage, have my handshake with the Chancellor as he handed over the red booklet to me. Yes, this is the day, the day I’m officially declared as a degree-holder, awarded with Bachelor of Commerce, Double Major in Management and Marketing, graduated from Murdoch University.

~The graduating students~

~What my family members gotten for me~

~Name of the list~

~Me receiving my graduating certification from the Chancellor~

This two years of study journey hasn’t been easy for me, in many occasions, I was at the urge of giving up. Thank you for all the support I received from my family members, especially my husband, for being so tolerance and understanding to me over this period of time. Not forgetting my mum, always give me encouragement at my lowest point in life.

My convocation was held on 24.10.2015, Saturday, 7pm at Raffles Convention Centre. Sad to say, I didn’t get the chance to graduation with some of my closed classmates as the ceremony was separated into two days and three different sessions. Many different people crossed my path in this 2 years study journey of mine, I would say most of them are just passer-by only a few stayed, and of course, I so glad that I met them and still in contact so far.

~First photo after the ceremony, with my superwoman~

~Thank you to my family members for attending my convocation~

~2 Lynn here, with my classmate~

~With my lecturer, Dr Juregen~

Thank you mum, sis, brother-in-law and my husband for taking time out of their busy schedule to be there and witness this important moment of mine. Today, I hope I had make you guys proud by going onto that stage with my mortar board on, for the very first time in my life, and I’m rather sure it is also going to be the last, no plan to further study at this moment, at least for now.

~With my dearest husband, thank you for being so supportive~

~My wonderful sister~

~Thank you for bringing me up so well~

~Life couldn't be better without you all~

~Thank you to them once again~

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Moment of Joy

2 years is not a short period of time, neither it long. Finally after 2 years of struggling, Lynn Koh officially pronounced that I had graduated from my Bachelor Degree, major in both Management & Marketing.

I was struggling badly for the past 2 years, juggling with my personal life including marriage, new home, the passing of Dino and of course, work. It was tough to manage housework and study at the same time, I'm very grateful to have the support from my husband, assisting me to shoulder majority of my housework for me.

I was on lunch date with my mum and husband on the polling day, received messages from my classmates telling me that our final result had release. Keeping quiet, afraid that I'll be disappointed with the result, after I check the result from my mobile, I yelled at the top of voice in the car, scaring the souls out of the two of them. That was the scream of joy, I made it, I made through my final module.
(Completion of all module)

I had never expected that this day will come, the day I can put on my graduation robe and cap, something that I had never expect  I can achieved. I seriously need to thanks my husband, my boyfriend back then, for pushing me to be better. 

So looking forward to my graduation ceremony that will be held on 24th October 2015, Saturday, 7pm in the evening. I'm glad that all my loved ones took the effort of arranging time off on that day to be there to witness this special moment of mine, my husband, mum, sister and brother-in-law.

(Graduation Ceremony)

The school was out to sucks our money dry, imagine you already spend 24K, graduation ceremony was also another opportunity for the school to earn more money again. For the rental of robe and cap doesn't come cheap, I need to spend another 206AUD for the graduation. But this amount is nothing as compared to my course fee, and I'm more than willing to pay this amount for my once a lifetime moment, as I'm pretty sure I will not go for my Master after this.  

(The breakdown of cost)

Okay, enough of grumbling, it a kind of joy that money can't buy, I shouldn't be complaining so much, just pay and get over it.

Look forward to my graduation photos soon :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Brow & Beauty Boutique - Brow designed By Sharon Wu

3 years ago, I did my first brow embroidery at Sophia Brow House, my beautician was Apple Sun back then, she did a great job for designing a brow shape that suit my face, click here for my previous entry details. 

As years pass, the colour of my brows fade with time, I was very busy with my work and study back then to get my brow fixed, so I have to maintain my brows with the help of eyebrow pencil once again. Very nice of Apple, she leave me a short message on my blog telling me that she had left Sophia Brow House some time back, if not, I would need to do my research again to find a new good brow designer.

Finally completed my final exams a few weeks back and have some free time to spare now. Without hesitation, drop a SMS to Apple to make an appointment with her at her new place, The Brow & Beauty Boutique . Sadly, her daughter, Tiffany, called back informing me that Apple is out of town and will not be back any time soon in the next 2 months. I was really disappointed to hear that, but Tiffany provide me with an alternative, she recommended another beautician to me, Sharon Wu. As usual, I will not rush into any quick decision making that will determine my “fate” for the next 2 years, chances of living with ugly looking brows. I did my research some research before my appointment date. 

Sharon Wu, the second leading eyebrow designer at The Brow &Beauty Boutique, with 18 years of rich experience in this industry. She was previously from Sophia Brow House as well, I went online look up on her work, her work are pretty awesome, so I decide to give it a shot.

Once I reach The Brow & Beauty Boutique, I was greet with warm welcome by the staffs and Sharon came over to attend to me shortly. To my surprise, this is what I saw in the shop, my write-up was display in the shop, hope my write-up on Apple's work have bring them a boost in sale.

Firstly, Sharon start the session by removing my brow drawing to have a better look at my previous embroidery, it was almost all gone. Then, Sharon shape my brows a little, ask about my preference on the brows shape, did some recommendation on my preference before she start to design my brows for me. I admitted that I was quite picky when come to my look, I request for quite a fair bit of amendment before I finally settle with one.

(Me with my nature brow, no drawing, just some shaping done by Sharon)

I was surprise that how much this industry has evolve in 3 years. Back then, I did a 3D embroidery, it was already consider a very delicate work, but now, they had already advance to 5D stage. Just a short description on the different between 2D, 3D and 4D work. 

(Photo Credit to The Brow & Beauty Boutique Facebook Page)

Since I already tried 3D before, I decide to go for 4D this time round as per recommended by Sharon, more stokes compared to the 3D, giving the brow a more nature look. One thing I like about their service is that they will only provide you with recommendation which suit you best, final decision is still up to you, they are not pushy for you to sign up any package or push you to go for a more expensive option, this is what I call business ethic. 

Before the session start, I informed Sharon that I have very low tolerance level for pain around my brows area, so I requested to be on the anesthetic cream for a slightly longer period of time as compared to many others. 

(On the anesthesia cream for 30 mins)

After 30 mins on anesthetic cream, time to get the session started. No doubt, the anesthetic cream was really powerful, throughout the whole session, no pain at all, no wonder Sharon told me that some of her customers actually dozed off during the session, she not kidding me after all. 

The embroidery session ended in around an hour time, now take a closer look at my brow after completion, look at the details, doesn't it look like real brow's hair? My brows look a bit dark and area around the brows was a little swollen as well now, but that is only for the initial stage, like usual, thing will get better after a week of healing.

I shall end my entry here and will follow up with a new post soon after my next touch-up session in a month time. Thank you Sharon for her patience and awesome work, I'm very happy the the brow shape she designed for me. 

If you are interested to get your brow fixed as well, please contact Sharon from The Brow & Beauty Boutique at the following to make an appointment with her. It is recommended for you to call before heading down to prevent disappointment, as her appointment slots can be rather full at time. 

(Sharon Wu's name card)

Let me end this entry with a photo taken together with Sharon, my brow designer, after my brow fixed. Shall update you guys on the final result in one month time ;)

*P/S: This is not a sponsorship post, I paid for my embroidery session, write-up is strictly based on my own personal review*

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Pillars in our Family

I had been very sad lately, ultimately depressed.

On 16th June 2015, my grandpa left. Even though everyone are well prepared for his departure anytime soon, but it still hurt. I did not make it in time to bid my final good bye to him. He left in the evening, I'm not able to beat the after office hours traffic from school to reach in time.

The funeral was full on hic-up, fight broke out internally during the last day. We did not even manage to complete the ritual for grandpa, I do not know how can he ever rest in peace seeing their children behave in this manner, fighting in the public.

Last Tuesday, it my grandma's turn. She was perfectly fine leaving without any form of symptom. It was the 15days after my grandpa left, on a same Tuesday, I received a message saying that my grandma was send to A&E, sadly, I did not make it once again, she pass away on her way to the hospital.

That was really a great impact to everyone of us, especially the children, our parents. They lost both their parents on the same month, the first grieve have yet to settle down and here come another blow.

The scene in hospital was awful, fight broke out once again, involving the councilor in hospital and policemen, my family was really a disgraced in the public, getting other to step into our family affair.

Finally everything was over yesterday, the past 5days was really super tensed, just hoping that everything can settle peacefully. My mum collapse when she saw my grandma's coffin heading for the cremation, I saw her eyes flip and I'm so afraid that my mum with leave with my grandma. I yelled at my top of the voice trying to pulled her back to sense, ask her to just look at me and my sister but nothing else, I was really freak out at the point of time, I tremble so badly after my mum was back.

Just like after my grandpa's cremation, my body are covered with bruises now just to grab hold of my mum. I'm so grateful that my husband and brother-in-law are there to help us, without them, me & my sister won't be able to handle the whole situation ourselves.

The final lap is over now, I'm still feeling rather lost about the leaving of both of my grandparents, but at the same time, it might be a good thing that they left together, at least they have each other accompany on the rainbow bridge.

Yeye, Ahma, please rest in peace now, everyone is in a good hand, both of you will live in my heart forever.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to our Singapore founding father, Mr. Lee KY, for what he have done for each and every individual in Singapore. As neutral as I am, I’m neither interested in any political  issues nor support any political parties in Singapore, but Mr. Lee KY grain every respect from me for what he had done for us, he always put the interests of the people in Singapore before himself. I admired his far foresight, he kept all his promise that he made to every citizens even the promise can only honour like decades later. 


On the Sunday itself, I woke up early to make breakfast for my husband and I start tuning in to Channel 5. From morning till 12noon, Mr. Lee life story was aired throughout the period, there a charisma in him which enable him to earn the trust of the people with his word, his words are really impactful, strong and convincing. Through the documentary, I came to learnt that the luxury we enjoyed now should never be taken for granted, through all his hard work and the support with his team, he made Singapore one of the best country over the world, with strong economy that people look up to.


His love story is the part I love most. I never believe that one can stick with another through the thick and thin even I’m already married now, but he proved me wrong, is all on the choice one chose.


I watch the whole live telecast of his state funeral, his death really bring the whole Singapore together, the familiar warm island which I once known and lost through the years. As our economy growth through the years, our paces of living increasing with it, many time, we are so focus on living up to the standard and we are too worn out and lost we very initial “humanity” through the process. But I see the sky cried together with our citizens on last Sunday for the loss of our founding father, the scene touches me and I’m glad to see that in the deepest part of individual of us, we still know what is gratitude.


Life and death is part and parcel of life, too many things happen lately that make me really think twice about life. My grandfather was diagnose with stage 4 lung cancer recently, I saw how much pain he suffered with this illness, it really break my heart. But no doubt he is always the strongest man I used to know, even at this very last stage of life, his though was not to put the burden of himself to other. Who in the right state of mind planned for his own funeral? None other than my great man, my grandfather.


He chosen his own photo for the casket, the clothes to wear, and arranged every single details of his own funeral, his though really put me into tears. Not only this, he even pass on the message to my mum what to do for my grandmother after he is gone, the arrangement of my grandmother funeral in future when he is not around, he want to make sure everything will fall in place as he won’t be around to attend to it. From my memories, although my grandparents does not have any wonderful love story to shared, but they stick to each other all these decades.


Too many heart breaking stories been heard lately, too much to digest and my emotional was greatly affected. I’m never a believer of god, but since there is no cure to my grandfather illness, I just hope that if god really existed, please be kind to my grandfather, I know his time is almost up, I’m not expecting miracle will happened, but just grant his an easy death. Please be kind to this great old man of mine, thank you god.


I’m always thankfully for what my grandfather had done for us throughout the years.

I love you, yeye.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Our Housewarming Session

First round of housewarming with the peepz done last Saturday, thank you everyone for coming, that was a great catch up session

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

MIA from the cyberworld Update

Been a long while since my last update. MIA for quite a long while, surprisingly a few closed friends of mine notice my disappearance in the cyberworld and got pretty concern about that. Feel so good to have friends like them around me.

Time are tough, but I manage to pull through it. I had officially moved away from the East, to a totally unfamilar place at Yishun. Far away from the area I grow up at, guess it a good thing, good way to start afresh, not gonna to bump into people that I wanna avoid again.

Just some photo of my cosy nest.

My shoe rack cum wall partition for the main gate.

My open concept kitchen.

My living area, I love the bay window concept.

My dinning area behind the sofa, initially was suppose to be a build up study room, but we decide to give it a miss, so that our living room will be very spacious.

Did not take any picture of the room as there nothing special about them, I chose to make it as simple as possible. My guess was right, we spend most of our time in the living room so far.

Having a house of our own wasn't easy at all, so much household chords, I can hardly cope it together with my work and study.

But I so glad that I had a very understanding hubby, he changed so much through the years, now he even helping me out with the chords when I go to school on Saturday. The boy I used to date had became a man which I can entrust my future to.

This year CNY was a little different as compared to usual, first CNY of giving instead of taking. Had a really early reunion dinner with my family, at my house. So excited on the preparation, how i wish Dino was here with us too.

Oh ya! Thanks to Jaimie and HJ for the house warming gift and I'm able to do lot of fried crabsticks for the CNY too.

After our reunion dinner on 09/02, I flew off to Philippines for business trip the very next day, same for hubby, but he head to BKK instead to look for Jaryl.

Business trip to Philippines this time was an enjoyable one, lots of free time and manage to do some shopping and have a good sleep.

Came back a day before Valentine, manage to have a simple dinner with Hubby.

On the CNY eve, hubby came and pick me up from work, we head back to our own house to packed our stuffs before we head for our reunion dinner at my in-law's place, gonna spend a night there as we will be off to Chiangmai on CNY first day.

Chiangmai trip was a fun one, will not talk much about that and I'll leave the photos to do the talking.