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Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Making of Our Guotieh

My hubby knock off early on last Friday, out of the blue, he say he decide to whip up a meal for me that night. Not telling me what he gonna to cook, so I'm really looking forward to rush home straight after work.

He made guotieh for me that night. It wasn't a simple task as he didn't buy those pre-made dough, he do up the dough himself from scratch! That night, is his first guotieh trial, had that with Campbell soup for dinner.

Ever since that old granny decided to wind up her guptieh business at Zion Street, we been looking for many places for that unique taste, but sadly, it no where found. We decide not to give up so we went shopping for ingredients on Saturday evening again.

After shopping, we head home start doing some preparation. Hubby deals with the dough while I prepare the filling for our Sunday dinner, guotieh once again.

We start rolling the skin 3pm this afternoon, it was really tiring as we do not have roller, we roll it out using chopstick & doing our best to make sure the skin is as thin as possible. Frying the guotieh is also a very difficult task, absolutely no flipping of it, when it half done we still need to add some stock to it & fry till it dried up. We spend more than 3hours of preparation before we start eating

Today trial was a success I would say, the taste was quite similar to the old granny's guo tieh, but a little too salty. I guess just a few more practices we can get the taste right soon, even his siblings say our guotieh is good.

The following first two pictures was the guotieh my hubby made last Friday & the last picture is what we made today, isn't that lot of improvement, really have the sense of achievement for this evening result.

Friday, March 28, 2014

22.02.2014 - Evening Session

Some photos taken over during the dinner, I love those candid shoots, more photos available on Facebook :)

22.02.2014 - Morning Session

Some photos taken on our actual day morning session that I like alot

Friday, March 7, 2014

Life after Marriage

Alot of people is asking me how is my life going on after marriage. Well, I feel that there isn't much of different, me & my husband life still kinda like how we lead before the marriage, he still hang out with his friends as often as before, I still go out with my friends as normal. Other than we are staying together now under the same roof, conquering half of his personal space, maybe the greatest different for me is not having Dino by my side.

I really do miss Dino alot, & my mum alot at the initial stage. I remember how Dino greet me at door everyday when I go home, now what greets me everyday is the cats instead. Is not the I don't like his cat, but cats & dog are different in so many way. The greatest different is I can't cuddle his cats like how I always do to Dino, as I'm allergic to cat's fur, that kinda sad.

I went home to pick up some items in the evening after work yesterday, Dino was so happy to see me, I miss the way how he jump onto my lap while I'm sitting on the sofa, demanding a belly rub from me, every little action from him just touch me in every ways.

When I about to leave, he look at me sadly. I saw the tears stain around his eyes really gonna make me cry too.

Dino might be a little troublesome kid since the first day I got him, cost me a bomb on his medical bills, refuse listen to simple command & behave like a total spoiled brat, but I never regret having him at all, not a single bit.

He make me wanna head home to see him every single day, his presense improved my relationship with my mum, he is always there for me when I'm feeling lonely, he make a great different in my life.

I love Dino, more than any words can describe.