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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Officially Mrs. Su, Wife of The Man I Love

For those who are reading this entry, pardon me for this lengthy post. just wanna share my whole wedding experience here since everything have put a stop last Saturday, our big day has finally over.

After a long 7years plus of love marathon, to put it in simple, this long relationship require a lot of effort to maintain & keep it moving. Even after our wedding day, this is not the stop of our story, but is another beginning to our other phrase of love journey.

On Saturday, in front of all our relatives & friends, we have make a vow in their witness to continue our journey as husband & wife, I'm officially pronounced as Mrs. Su now, wife of the man I love.

During our wedding preparation stage, we had a lot of disagreement in a way or other, but we manage to come to a conclusion to work thing out together, hand in hand.

My husband & his brother went through a hard time from all my sisters in order to win me to his hand. Thank you all his brothers being so supportive, & not forgetting my bunch of sisters for being so helpful through out the day. Special thanks to my sister, Catherine, for being my overall coordinator for the whole banquet session, she did a wonderful job on that, no hic-up & we are totally worry-free throughout the evening session.


As most of you know, I grew up in a broken family, but today, I don't only just receive the love from my blooded related mother & sister, I also have my both lovely father & mother-in-law to dote on me, of cos that include my wonderful husband too.

Morning session of our wedding was a tough time for us as the weather last Saturday was freaking hot. Everything turns out rather well till we meet a minor accident that burn a big hole in our pocket.

 I guess wedding day was meant to be full of hic-up, we are mentally prepared for thing to go wrong on that day, but the least expected thing actually happened instead. Our wedding car, the Porsche Boxer's backside was "kissed" by our videographer's car, this accident really spoiled everyone mood, especially my husband's mood. Code one of my colleague's favourite phrase, "Anything that can be solve by money, is never a big issue", we manage to solve this matter by compensating 1.5K.
Even though we are not at any fault, but we took pity over the videographer & he still got a family depending on him in Malaysia, so we decide to fork out the money from our own pocket first, we gave him months, even years for him to pay us back within his meant, not to make anyone life difficult on such a joyful occasion.
I was badly dehydrated by the evening time. I wasn't in my best state & fail to be a good host for the day. Thankfully all my guests are very understanding, they knows that we have a very long & tired day, they still enjoyed their evening very well.

I have to say that my JP, Mr. Alex Tan Yan Boon did a wonderful job for witnessing my solemnization, he created a very joyful atmosphere that evening. I got this recommendation from Joanne when my initial JP fly me aeroplane & I'm in the panic stage. Heard that Mr. Tan had witness many celebrities' solemnization, that include the famous blogger Xiaxue.
During the point of searching for JP, I tried my luck by send an email to Mr. Tan as I heard he is so called highly recommended by everyone, it not so easy to make an appointment with him for the solemnizing; moreover my wedding date is a "hot" date. After my email to Mr. Tan, I received his email reply almost instantly, no second word, Mr. Tan agreed to help me out, where to find as a nice guy.
On the actual day when I get to meet Mr. Tan for the very first time, he gave me a very good impression, his smile is always on his face, he is so friendly & brief us through what we going to expect later once we got up onto the stage, that really give me a peace of mind.
My solemnization was held during my first march-in, once we walked on to the stage, back facing the guests, I could heard the guests behind being very rowdy, I guess most of them are hungry by then.
But, the way Mr. Tan speaks manage to bring all the attention of my guests back onto the stage, he don't only being the witness of our solemnization, he also created many fun moment like cracking jokes with us making all our guest laugh, & he made wonderful speech as well. It really our honour to have Mr. Tan around to witness our special moment for us.
Our wedding dinner was a little overrun as my husband gave a very long, touching and emotional speech that makes a lots of our guest cried, I should have read his speech and keep myself prepare on what going to happen beforehand, his speech made me cried on the stage as well, so embarrassing.

The photo taking session was a havoc, as time is running out, a lot of guests have already finished their dessert, sitting there just to wait for us to take pictures together with them, feel so back to keep them waiting & holding everyone back.
Luckily everything ended beautifully. Like I say I wasn't a good host, my poor friends waited patiently outside at the foyer for me after the dinner just to be able to catch a few words & take some photos with me. To have them as my good friends is part of the best thing that ever happen in my life, love them all!!

I shall end my long lengthy entry here, for friends of mine, you can watch my childhood montage & morning highlight video from my Facebook page, I will update more photos on the actual day event once I receive the softcopy from the bridal studio.
Have an early night everyone, love you guys, *muack*

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wedding Doll for the Car

Been looking for a cat groom & dog bride doll for a very long time but no where found! Luckily I got help from Cheryl, she made this pair of dolls specially for our wedding with no charges at all!!

Special thanks to Johnson & Cheryl!! A wedding gift for our 20 over years of friendship, counting on still.

Bridal Nail Art

Got my nails fixed today!! Cant believe that I sat there for 3 freaking hours to get this done!

Initially I wanted something simple, but it turned out to such a complicated design!! Just hope those blings won't drop off before my wedding day.

2 Days to Go

It just 2 days away from our wedding, can't say that I'm exactly excited now, but having kinda a mixed feeling still! So contradicting!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

After spending my past 7years of Valentine with my boyfriend, this man beside me will be my become my husband in just 7 days time!!

It so scary to realise how time flies!! In just 7 days time I have to bid farewell to my singlehood & become Mrs. Su

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


过大礼 have a hell lot of stuffs to do & prepare, carrying & preparing the stuffs is good enough to kill me.

Had my 过大礼 session on Monday, 10.02.2014, happened to be my future mother-in-law birthday on that day.

Seriously I can never understand why my mum insist on carrying out all these traditional practices which make no sense and the things are freaking expensive!

In future if my kids was to get marry one day, I will hope to make things in the simplest way for them, if the in-law did not believe a shit in this, I will advice them to give all the customs thingys a miss!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

In 18 Days

Another sneak preview of 1 of our pre-wedding photo!! Time flies......

Collection of our wedding bands

After a long wait, finally went to collect our wedding bands on CNY eve!

Isn't that pretty?! Love the design & rose gold with white gold contrast so much! In no time we gonna put this onto our ring finger as our symbol of marriage!

How I spend my CNY