Everyone say that every woman prettiest moment in their life is the time they put on their wedding gown & say "I do". I don't know if I agreed to that saying, but I choose to believe it anyway!
Last Friday was the day I try on my wedding gowns. Thank you Cat for accompanying me the whole of afternoon, & not forgetting my boyfriend for making the effort of coming early, being so patience & spend 4hours there waiting for me to decide.
Everyone comments to the gowns I choose are rather constant, there is this 1 particular gown everyone say I look good in it, but that not my choice, so should I change? I get quite shaken on my decision now! But still, I decided to stick with my initial choice, I'm not going to torture myself with the super heavy gown on the actual day & the train of the gown is far too long for me to manage.
Gowns & suits selected, invitation chosen, hmmmmmm..... so what next now?!?
P/S: the attached photos gowns & suit is not what we chosen!