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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


today is NQMM gathering again le.. happy n looking forward to mit up wif those crazy pal..

we can nv plan a outing beforehand wan, always mus last min mit up den most can turn up... well, tis time is 6 minus 1 again...andy held up in wk today.

went to hav steamboat at bugis "tian tian huo guo". e food not very nice... e price we pay i dun tink is worth it lor...

afr steamboat, there always room for dessert. eat my fav macha sundae, heavenly...n of cos, as usual, it photo taking time...

no where to go le, tml need to wake up early for wk, jo hav a morning flight to catch, kel need to reach sch by 10....guess onli MW n YM iis like damm free lor...

thanks for sending us hm, ah cek....thanks fo e ride

it fun mitting up but the feeling is no longer e same like last time le... silent fill e air most of e time... topic is no longer common... time n distance really play a important put in maintaining  a relationship, b it is a boy girl relationship, or a simpe friendship..

maintaining a relationship require time, effort n e heart u put in... hopefully e relationship tt i treasure, no matter wat relationship is it, hope tt it will not fade wif e time....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

long weekend

feeling kind of lazy at work today afr my long weekend..

last friday time was crawling, cant wait for 6pm n time to knock off. on e dot..6pm, run... so sweet of dear, come n pick me up afr wk. went to walk walk awhile at vivo, had our dinner n head hm watch dvd.

slp till quite late on sat, wake up had our lunch. the rice tt dear's parent bought is super big packet, too much for me le. afr lunch, accom dear's mum to watch the olympic together, watch e gymistise competition.. their arm really damm power, superb!!!!

nua till late evening time den we when out for dinner..while having e dinner, i can even hear the firework...as promise to dear, i did not bark him that i wan to watch firework this year, but feel kind of sad never get to see..sobsob

afr dinner head back to my hse n nua again, den dear when out wif his fren to play game.. feeling kind of bored at hm... so late le, feeling very sleepy, but still need to wait till dear come back, open door for him before i can go to bed.

nice n sound slp on sat nite, still feeling lazy dun wish to wake up. dear's phone ring, ignore n head back to slp. but he wake me up telling me is 2pm le, i jump off e bed, wondering y i slp till so late, kenna his prank again..it onli 11plus lor..

drag myself off my bed, make lunch for dear. who know tt lazy bum doze off again, wake him up for his lunch, watch vcd for the whole day, preparing our dinner, guess if jaryl nv call us out for a drink, we will rot at hm the whole day.

mon, is not a working day for me. cos my company is a 5 days work week company, since e national day fall on sat, we got additional 1 more off day. even dun need to work, i still wake up early, head to bugis n mit up with e group.

surprisingly, xiao kel was not late tt day, n i'm e one slight late. i wonder did i really change tt much. saw kel, walking toward him n he cannot recognise me lor..kind of sad!!!

keep calling e rest but all nv pick up, knowing that all tos lazy bum are into deep slp, andy still dare to set such a early timing for us to meet. dun care abt them, me n kel had our lunch w/o the rest. finally they call.

kind of miss tos day when we use to hang out together, bring out tos "classic joke" that we nv seem tired of laughin over n over again.. miss tos "suaning" session that we nv seem out of new stuff arguing jus to kip other mouth shut for jus a minute. jus kind of sad tt jo unable to make it.

time fly, going to 3pm le, andy n kel need to make a move. so me, mw n ym continue wif our nonsense session till ard 5pm, dear come n pick me up. afr picking me up, head to simei to pick up dear's mum, accom her to buy dinner n head back.

nua awhile den head out to mit jaryl. purpose to watch movie, but onli left wif the 1st 2 row seating, so we head to yishun there for ktv session. reach hm ard 12plus...so tired!!!!

although is abit tiring, but i really had a enjoyable weekend, somemore get to mit up wif tos buddy!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

harsh reality

The reality world outside is jus so harsh and fake.

smilez on e face make u feel warm n welcome, but be aware, sharp pointed knife is going to pierce u thru your back real hard n deep if u drop your defence by alittle.

i always wanted to c wat the world is like outside, den i realise how ugly the world is. it really disappoint me. no more navie n true, no more pure n innocent. if u wan to survive in this world, u must learn to play with the game.

mus always remember to "cover ur own backside". black and white will always save u from being shoot down by e arrow. jus a small infomation tt u wan to pass on, send a email, always save a copy in your folder, tt will save u from trouble.

while sending email, cc to as many people as possible, even to tos which are not directly involve. not forgetting a copy to ur boss. not all will reply u fast, but if wan to get thing done fast, cc with ur boss "BIG" name on it, e speed will b superb.

i hate it this way, but tt e real wking life out there. to survive out there, mus always learn to protect urself. how i wish the world is as innocent is before, everything is really cum frm the bottom of the heart, n not do for e sake of doing.